I love life ️

Just wanted to say that I love life altogether. The plants and trees and humans upon the earth. Life is so beautiful and precious. I just want everyone to enjoy themselves and find their own happiness honestly. Sending love to all of you you are brilliant.

  • You keep going with that line of thinking and you'll be telling us "God is Love" next!! 

    Seriously lovely post, coming from a place I only get to visit, (but the visits seem to be getting longer, yay!) 

    As well as love, I'd like to invite you to my unfeasibly large friends group, but I think you might have found me annoying at least once in the past, (IIRC) so then I'd be inflicting a dilemma on you, rather than doing a nice thing!

    "It's nice to be nice" is a very true piece of wisdom given to me by a friend, and your post is so very nice. And true. And wise.

    Thank you for being you and here and now.

    (TBH, I've been finding the forum to be quite uplifting and agreeable altogether recently, and helpful to me! What changed?

    The forum, or me?   

  • Haha I don’t know about that one as I don’t really believe in god mate!! I might have found you annoying? When was that I don’t ever remember finding you annoying. Was it because we had an argument once about something on this website? I can’t remember anyway. I think you’re an interesting guy from the things you post on here. Whilst everyone might not agree with you, you certainly create a lot of discussions on here. I think the forums have changed people seem happier overall I think. 

  • I think you might have a strong curiosity, and prefer to "know the truth of the matter" when you can. You might even share my belief in the scientific method and "testing ideas out before adopting them as being real". 

    I have those traits and see them in others here. I lost my faith iin God a LONG time ago, then at one point I realsed that I was still relying on my early Christian thinking to determine my actions, and started to see that early training as "irrelevant to my situation." (And CLEARLY love thy neighbour as thyself wasn't workable!!)  

    At one point it became IMPORTANT (in a way that might be specific to AUDD) to make a clear determination of whether God exists or not. 

    I needed to know if I am living in a creation and suject to it's innate design parmaters (A.K.A. the "rules") OR whether I was liviing in a randomly evolving reality in which by sheer luck I happened to be one of the "apex predators" in a societyy dominated and led by psychopaths (As Dr Hare so expertly defined such people). 

    I'd dipped my toe into emulating psychopathic behaviour to knwo that I could emulate it but found it distasteful & unfulfilling. 

    I felt it was important to find out. I took a few decades literally doing testing, and thinking, and more testng, even after I got my first bit fo evidence that there was more to my early religion that a load of people in big hats playing games with the gullible whilst avoiding doing any real work. I worked the problem to death and although I'm willing to admit my incompetence to PROVE IT even now, which seems to be the gold standard for testing reality these days, Under all the scrutiny and testing I can deploy and aprticualry drawing on an enginering/scientifc traiing and interest I can definitely TESTIFY:

    The universe was created by an intelligence, and is NOT the product of "accident".

    Coming to know something like that, changes a man... 

    Especially when you, now having a firmer base to build your undertanding of the universe upon than "the roll of a dice" random evolutionary universe that the "Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" types live in. 

    It appears to me that you can build in a creation, (simply by observing and copying how the builder did it) whereas you can only take from a random smoragasboard of  happenstance such as the athiests live in.

    That's how my little "world of illusion" works, it gives me the reassurance that everything crappy that happens isn't all actually my fault, t gives me a sense of belonging (I really am an actual part of a larger creation, and I am here deliberately as part of a bigger thing, mostly unwittingly playing my part and since creation is so very, very vast and complicated, the smalness of any "part" I can play is so obvious that it demands a bit of humility on my part. 

    Those islamics with their "submit to the will of allah" have a clear understanding in this regard, BUT (and here's the kicker) the plan or will of god or grand design allows us free will. UP TO A POINT. But that is a story for another day.

  • I think you might have a strong curiosity, and prefer to "know the truth of the matter" when you can. You might even share my belief in the scientific method and "testing ideas out before adopting them as being real". 

    I have those traits and see them in others here. I lost my faith iin God a LONG time ago, then at one point I realsed that I was still relying on my early Christian thinking to determine my actions, and started to see that early training as "irrelevant to my situation." (And CLEARLY love thy neighbour as thyself wasn't workable!!)  

    At one point it became IMPORTANT (in a way that might be specific to AUDD) to make a clear determination of whether God exists or not. 

    I needed to know if I am living in a creation and suject to it's innate design parmaters (A.K.A. the "rules") OR whether I was liviing in a randomly evolving reality in which by sheer luck I happened to be one of the "apex predators" in a societyy dominated and led by psychopaths (As Dr Hare so expertly defined such people). 

    I'd dipped my toe into emulating psychopathic behaviour to knwo that I could emulate it but found it distasteful & unfulfilling. 

    I felt it was important to find out. I took a few decades literally doing testing, and thinking, and more testng, even after I got my first bit fo evidence that there was more to my early religion that a load of people in big hats playing games with the gullible whilst avoiding doing any real work. I worked the problem to death and although I'm willing to admit my incompetence to PROVE IT even now, which seems to be the gold standard for testing reality these days, Under all the scrutiny and testing I can deploy and aprticualry drawing on an enginering/scientifc traiing and interest I can definitely TESTIFY:

    The universe was created by an intelligence, and is NOT the product of "accident".

    Coming to know something like that, changes a man... 

    Especially when you, now having a firmer base to build your undertanding of the universe upon than "the roll of a dice" random evolutionary universe that the "Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" types live in. 

    It appears to me that you can build in a creation, (simply by observing and copying how the builder did it) whereas you can only take from a random smoragasboard of  happenstance such as the athiests live in.

    That's how my little "world of illusion" works, it gives me the reassurance that everything crappy that happens isn't all actually my fault, t gives me a sense of belonging (I really am an actual part of a larger creation, and I am here deliberately as part of a bigger thing, mostly unwittingly playing my part and since creation is so very, very vast and complicated, the smalness of any "part" I can play is so obvious that it demands a bit of humility on my part. 

    Those islamics with their "submit to the will of allah" have a clear understanding in this regard, BUT (and here's the kicker) the plan or will of god or grand design allows us free will. UP TO A POINT. But that is a story for another day.

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