Elections and politics

Is anyone else interested? I'm not party political, because I find to much that is disagreeable about the various parties, for every plus point theres an equal minus one.

I realise this might be contravercial to some, is politics a taboo subject on here?

What autism friendly policies would you like to see parties take up?

  • Switzerland has the best idea. They dont really have a Prime Minister, they have a panel of people from a mixture of the political parties who decide things by consensus and all of them take turns to be Prime Minister. That way decisions are actually made with thought and consideration and for the good of the country rather than knee jerk reactions that they hope will win them votes and headlines or score points over the opposition like it is here. 

    In addition the Swiss have referundums over almost everything, giving the people the chance to decide what decisions are made for the country and therefore making the nation truly democratic. They even had a refurendum over whether to have a Covid lockdown. 

    There are many reasons Id like to live in Switzerland, it is ordered and logical and calm for one, but this is another one 

  • that sounds good. true democracy...

    democracy and voting on every single policy, i said we need this so that they countries laws are each the peoples fault and choosing and they dont need to complain or riot they just need to vote for whatever law they want to be. if the majority vote a way some cry babies dont like then instead of whining or rioting which puts people off their thing anyway, they need to convince everyone their thing they want is good enough for everyone else to vote in.

  • In one way, given the many harsh lessons taught to us during Covid, I honestly feel and believe that the only way out of our current situation is to reject “progress” and as far as possible, is to return in as many ways as possible to traditional religious based social and moral values, reflecting the fact that our society was built on Christian values and principles - I know that this view is unpopular in today’s modern and secular society, but I honestly believe that we are rapidly reaching a point where we will have no other option but to do so and if we don’t do so now while we have the chance, when we are eventually forced to do so later on, that path will be far harsher and much more painful for us and future generations, with far more radical and drastic measures needing to be taken to do so later on, as time is not on our side - the stakes of failure to do so could not be higher at this point 

  • It’s come to light that this has been done by people who have infiltrated the Catholic Church in order to discredit and undermine its teaching Athority and in many cases, these have been found to be fabricated - one such example of this has been Catherine Corless of the Tuam Babies scandal - both when the allegations first came to the surface and when new evidence subsequently came to light disproving the original allegations, I was equally shocked and horrified 

  • "Let he who is wthout sin cast the first stone".

    "Before taking the speck out of your brothers eye, it is best remove the plank from your own".

    Are you referring to my criticism of the Catholic Church here?

    I dearly hope you aren't as I definitely do not have a plank in my eye in comparison to the sins of that institution + that is an insult.

    If I may observe Debbie..

    No, perhaps I'm best keeping my observations about how people conduct themselves here to myself

    How do you consider I conduct myself here?

    It's much nicer to not insinuate but if you have a criticism to level at me, actually say what that is.

  • "Let he who is wthout sin cast the first stone".

    "Before taking the speck out of your brothers eye, it is best remove the plank from your own".

    Are you referring to my criticism of the Catholic Church here?

    I dearly hope you aren't as I definitely do not have a plank in my eye in comparison to the sins of that institution + that is an insult.

    If I may observe Debbie..

    No, perhaps I'm best keeping my observations about how people conduct themselves here to myself

    How do you consider I conduct myself here?

    It's much nicer to not insinuate but if you have a criticism to level at me, actually say what that is.

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