Party fear

Hiya all so in May I got a party that honestly I'm semi panicking over

So my friend invited me to her birthday party and I will know no one else there besides her and I believe she told some of the others whom will be there about me. so i fear they have developed a image of me that I won't be able to live up to

We met through "work" it hard to explain without sharing too much personal information

My asd traits also means I struggle with large crowds occasionally and I have awful social skills and a massive want to live up to people expectations of me

  • Oversharing is an ASD occupational hazard Grin so I will do my best not to pry too much.

    First off - you are in good company, I would genuinely rather have surgery than go to a party. Horrible. So know that everything I write comes with love and empathy.

    Do people know about your Autism?

    The reason I ask, is post-diagnosis it gave me a certain allowance for acting in ASD ways (aka "Odd" ways) in public. When people know I'm autistic, although they won't know a lot about the condition, I feel comfortable saying things like "I'm sorry, I'm going to have to step out for a minute, I feel a bit overwhelmed with everything".

    Do you feel comfortable saying to your friend something along the lines of "Because of my autism, I feel a bit worried about your party. I want to celebrate your day with you, but I'm really nervous that all the new people will feel a bit much for me, I just wanted to say something because I don't want people to think I'm being weird".

    If you did, I would hope that your friend would understand and maybe prepare people.  I find that when people know, most people are happy to understand more.

    Good luck sister Heart

  • Oh, and if we're doing song related features - After Every Party I Die, by IAMX

    Hush May Collection 2024 (

  • You Will Always Find Me in the Kitchen at Parties (Jona Lewey - that how it's spelt?)

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