Party fear

Hiya all so in May I got a party that honestly I'm semi panicking over

So my friend invited me to her birthday party and I will know no one else there besides her and I believe she told some of the others whom will be there about me. so i fear they have developed a image of me that I won't be able to live up to

We met through "work" it hard to explain without sharing too much personal information

My asd traits also means I struggle with large crowds occasionally and I have awful social skills and a massive want to live up to people expectations of me

  • You got me listening to Party Fears Two by the Associates:

    I went to parties out of obligation when I was young and only have dreadful memories of them, so I can't offer reassurance.

    When I reached a point where I felt I could, I said no.

    Are you able to say no, even retrospectively?

    Saying no is hard but it's something we need to do where we can (without causing a relationship rift).

  • You got me listening to Party Fears Two by the Associates:

    I went to parties out of obligation when I was young and only have dreadful memories of them, so I can't offer reassurance.

    When I reached a point where I felt I could, I said no.

    Are you able to say no, even retrospectively?

    Saying no is hard but it's something we need to do where we can (without causing a relationship rift).
