Anxiety & Overload

Hello everyone,

I'm 22 years old and un-diagnosed. I'm fairly positive that I'm autistic and sensory overload is quite a regular occurance for me. Sometimes I cannot tell if its overload or just severe anxiety, I tend to get quite obessive about alot of things which means its hard for me to have a clear mind or clarity. I've struggled with what I thought was anxiety since childhood. Random panic attacks in social or loud situations. Or even just waking up randomly in a frenzy.

But this has recently became intolerable. 2 years ago was my lowest. I had to quit my job, the littlest things would set me into a mass panic and I randomly couldnt stand anything touching me. Even my own clothes.

2 years later, I've got a new job and I've moved into my first home. Change is one of my biggest triggers and I've been in and out of overload / panic attacks for 3 weeks.

How do I make this more tolerable? I don't feel depressed or anything, but if I go to the doctors, they just try and put me on medication which makes me feel awful! I just want to be me without being doped up.. Can anyone give me some advice or somewhere to go perhaps? Thanks.

  • Your panic attacks are being caused  on Your " Subconcious level "  ( Fight or flight response )
    It is a natural response to danger that is being triggered at the wrong time with regards to Your situation.
    It is being triggered by a situation that caused You anxiety and fear from a previous event, the panic attacks
    It is Your mind trying to prevent You from Harms way.
    Basically. it is the " Fight or flight " response being triggered in the wrong time,at the wrong place.
    It is Your Mind trying to pretect You from danger but it is kicking in at the wrong time causing the attacks.
    C.B.T Therapy would really really hjelp You,
    You need to re-program / reset the fight and flight response.
    Best wishes.

  • Thank you for the advice, I'll give it a try :)

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