Mode of transport: car, bike, legs, magic carpet, teleporter?

How do you get about and are you happy with your mode of transport?

I used my legs, pushbike, moped, buses and trains until 17 years ago when I got my 1st car.

Now my car has died and I don't anticipate being able to drive again, for various reasons.

I'm wanting to make the best of this - far less expense and what I find the unpleasant experience of driving and grappling with other aggressive drivers.

I might get fitter.

I do have a couple of people who would be willing to give me lifts when necessary.

Any upsides anyone can see to me being car free, but also, what about you?

ps.  I no longer work, so that's a huge advantage when not having your own transport.

  • I'm low tech now. 

    I walk mostly, to work as well, if the weather is good, although it takes a while! Walking

    Or cycle. I learned as a child, but didn't cycle again until, a couple of years ago, I started using my mum's old bike, thinking I'd fall off - but it came back to me after a few tries. Now, as when I first learned, I'm struck by how much quicker it is than walking! Grinning

    I have my license back, but hardly drive now. Mostly, there's no need. 

    I think, Oh I'll drive next time I go up to Scotland- but so far, it's still the train. 

    Change is hard! 

  • Oh I'll drive next time I go up to Scotland- but so far, it's still the train. 

    I've only been twice, by plane.

    I'd love to live closer.

    Now, as when I first learned, I'm struck by how much quicker it is than walking!

    Yes, I used to love cycling but after my moped accident I became wary of being on a bike in Portsmouth.

    It's the most densely populated city in the UK outside of inner London I think, so a nightmare for traffic.

  • Oh I'll drive next time I go up to Scotland- but so far, it's still the train. 

    I've only been twice, by plane.

    I'd love to live closer.

    Now, as when I first learned, I'm struck by how much quicker it is than walking!

    Yes, I used to love cycling but after my moped accident I became wary of being on a bike in Portsmouth.

    It's the most densely populated city in the UK outside of inner London I think, so a nightmare for traffic.

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