How to make friends

At least 2 people recently have asked about this, and I didn't get round to responding, so here goes:

Step 1: Always be open and honest with the person you're trying to make friends with.

Step 2: Give each other a detailed description of your personalities. In theory, you instantly know each other well enough to know whether you like each other then.

Step 3: Ask questions about each other. I've got into trouble before for asking too many questions; I think 3 per e-mail should be about the right number though.

It's worked 2 out of 2 times for me when I've tried this method with people I've been in touch with by private message on here. We got on so well that I made friends with each of them in less than 2 weeks! So it seems to work.

I hope that's helpful for people.

  • im not sure that works as honesty offends people these days lol

    and i dunno i think it might be weird to just randomly describe your personality.... although i dunno maybe thats what people do but to me it feels weird... but then everything feels weird so i just stay quiet and only respond/speak when spoken to anyway as that feels more normal.

  • Nah, he's pretty much on the money there.

    BUT. The devil in is in the details, as they say.

    You have to do it right, particualrly for the N.T's...

Reply Children
  • I wish I still had access to my dating profile. I did tell it how it is...

    Didn't get many replies, so (since I was running out of time on my three day membership) I went shopping...

    I reviewed 400 profiles and decided that 16 did not look like monsters to me...

    Of the sxteen lucky candidates, four wrote back to me, (one to tell me how bad my profile was) then I ended up swapping a few emails until one of 'em offered to go for a date...

    Simple maths and filtering for the win. Stuff waiting for "cupids arrow".

    22 years later and she regrets going first now. I did offer a get out of relationship free card when I got my diagnosis, it only seemed fair...

  • but also explaining their personality counts as lying as they will just say good stuff about themselves or positive stuff... they wont say "oh yeah, im a right ***, i get angry too easily, and i dont like anyone, i dont like this and that and i think this is annoying" lol

    they will be like "oh im so great, im kind and caring and this and that" all positive stuff, which are often generic and lies and not really how others percieve them anyway