The "Aspie quiz" that shows typical & atypical traits

Recently Kefka posted his results of what I know as "The Aspie quiz" and Uhane requested a link to it, so I have copied the link below (hope it works)

This test results in a 10 sided chart, showing how strong your atypical (autistic) and typical (neurotypical) traits are, which I find really interesting. For an example, here is my result:

This matches my my attention to detail, pattern recognition and special interests (high atypical talent) and my need for predictability and my hypersensitivity (high atypical perception). I have what is maybe an unusual communication score for someone on the spectrum, however this is an ability to interpret and display typical non verbal communication - not as I originally thought, being ok at conversation. (Verbal communication is in the talent section of the typical side of the graph)

I have a question about this test - does anyone know if it is used anywhere for formal diagnosis?

  • I did the "Version 4" Aspie test back in July 2022 and I've just done this "Version 5" test now.

    It is interesting that many of the tricky or nonsensical questions within Version 4 have now been replaced with new, but different, tricky or nonsensical questions !  That's NT progress for you ?!

    I've got a spike that reaches 10 now.....on the atypical perhaps I have evolved to become a "proper spiky autist?"

    I pay little heed to the particulars of the results from this type of test......but it's a worthy way to spend 10 minutes.

  • 10 minutes?! It took me more like 30!

  • I choose not to waste too much time contemplating the answer to daft questions - I just shoot !

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