April the 12th, 2024

Bored and lonely. That's how I feel at the moment.

I wish I could not feel anxiety and depression the way I have for a long time. How hard it is to find the strength to go to a social group, class or just talk to people generally when I feel this way.

The brain fog, going blank when near people, panicking. I feel lonely at home too, my mother goes out so much and has a busy life.

I was reading quite a lot for a while, for some reason the past two or three days I just feel like sleeping a lot and feel melancholy.

  • Autism can be such a lonely and isolating thing. I'm sorry you're feeling this way at the moment. You're not alone though, I think this is something many of us can relate to. 

    Sending hugs your way. I hope you feel brighter today.

  • I appreciate that, thank you. I managed something quite good yesterday, I was feeling utterly miserable and I didn't really want to go into the same room as my dad who was watching TV, he gets on my nerves sometimes because he can be so chatty and loud, well I went in anyway after I'd cooked my tea and I felt a bit better speaking to him for a few minutes. It felt food to realise and know I have some power over making myself happier and things aren't always as bleak as they seem.

  • I appreciate that, thank you. I managed something quite good yesterday, I was feeling utterly miserable and I didn't really want to go into the same room as my dad who was watching TV, he gets on my nerves sometimes because he can be so chatty and loud, well I went in anyway after I'd cooked my tea and I felt a bit better speaking to him for a few minutes. It felt food to realise and know I have some power over making myself happier and things aren't always as bleak as they seem.

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