April the 12th, 2024

Bored and lonely. That's how I feel at the moment.

I wish I could not feel anxiety and depression the way I have for a long time. How hard it is to find the strength to go to a social group, class or just talk to people generally when I feel this way.

The brain fog, going blank when near people, panicking. I feel lonely at home too, my mother goes out so much and has a busy life.

I was reading quite a lot for a while, for some reason the past two or three days I just feel like sleeping a lot and feel melancholy.

  • I think many of us feel some form of disconnect, it can be quite isolating. Support is out there, start with your GP or search for local groups.

    If you have an interest you could explore it further and try to find others with similar views.

  • I think many of us feel some form of disconnect, it can be quite isolating. Support is out there, start with your GP or search for local groups.

    If you have an interest you could explore it further and try to find others with similar views.

  • I'm considering trying some groups, I'm feeling ambivalence about it. I keep saying to myself, maybe first of all I should eat a bit healthier to make sure I'm less depressed and give a better first impression when I meet people.