Hay fever Alternative treatment

Hi there everyone. I am looking for some advice if anyone knows of anything I can try to treat allergies specifically pollen allergy (hayfever)? I have tried antihistamines both sedating and non sedating ones and they all make me sedated and feel stoned. So I can’t take them. I looked up online and seen quercetin was one of the natural remedies. I wanted to see if anyone had any ideas? Thanks

  • Allergy UK's other treatment suggestions include nasal sprays and allergen barrier balm: Treatments 

  • If you go to a good local wholefood shop they will have loads of natural remedies that can help.

    Probably two of the best ones though they won't help this late in the year, are having cut flowers in the house, to get your body used to having small amounts of pollen around so it won't overreact come spring and having a teaspoon of local raw/unpasturised honey a day as this will contain all the pollens local to you and so prime your immune system not to react so badly.

  • Acupuncture is an alternative therapy that has been explored by many.

    I had a look online at different .GOV and .ORG sites (less likely to be trying to sell you something) and the consensus is that it seems as effective as most over the counter antihistamines, so if you struggle with the side effect of antihistimines then it is worth considering.

    Finding a local practitioner is a different story - hygine is clearly an issue when having lots of needles stick in you so make sure you check their procedures before engaging.