Sensory Trauma - Want to Know Others Thoughts

So I was looking up sensory trauma and I found that it is something that I deal with and I wanted to know what other Autistics think of it and if it’s something that you’re glad they are bringing to light or if you feel it doesn’t apply to you. Just wanting to see what others think. I personally feel it’s a good thing to be raising awareness about because while things may not be as big of a deal to our fellow neurotypicals it is for us because of how we have a different “wiring” for lack of a better term.

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  • I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience at school. I completely understand though. Schools are very unfriendly for autistic people. It's such an isolating time and with that and the bullying it leaves you traumatised.

    I think all of my sensory trauma came from when I was at school. The sheer amount of noise was intolerable from the start and I used to struggle with it on a daily basis. School dress code for girls was to have your hair tied up but I often broke this so I could keep headphone in, it didn't stop the noise, but it did lessen its intensity and that helped a little.

    I loved and hated school. I loved learning, I've always loved learning and it usually comes easy for me. I'm a fast learner. I loved the routine of school, it was so organised and that worked well for me because I'm an organised person. But I hated the other kids because they were loud, unorganised and generally made my time at school utterly miserable. School for me was simply put: torture! I had to mask harder than ever, do my best not to be noticed so I wouldn't be bullied and still got bullied. Terrible from start to finish, really. 
  • so I do feel very welcome and accepted.

    I am so glad!  You are so welcome!

  • And I’m also sorry for your experience. I’m so happy I found this site. no one is alone here. 

  • Thank you and yeah. It’s nice to talk to other Autistics and get their input on things because for so long I have felt alone in my feelings so I do feel very welcome and accepted.

  • I also suffered at school. School breaks and trips were a nightmare for me. I used to cover my ears and sit alone. Other kids bullied me very eagerly. School trip was something that not only exposed me to horrible noise of all my class laughing and screaming loud in the bus, and bullies, but also disrupted the routine. I wanted to have classes. I cried in silence and repeated in whisper “tomorrow everything will come back to normal” teachers didn’t care, they just pulled me forcefully and put me in the center of the group of screaming kids, I was terrified. I run away with cry and what was the result- all kids laughed at me and bullied me more. I wish they knew what they caused to me. 

  • I am so sorry you were bullied at school, that is obviously very traumatic. I hope you are somehow able to recover and process that now.

    This may not be reassuring but I hope you find comfort in the unfortunate fact that bullying is a very common experience in our autistic community, you are definitely not alone.

    We are here for you! I hope you feel accepted in this autistic community?