Sensory Trauma - Want to Know Others Thoughts

So I was looking up sensory trauma and I found that it is something that I deal with and I wanted to know what other Autistics think of it and if it’s something that you’re glad they are bringing to light or if you feel it doesn’t apply to you. Just wanting to see what others think. I personally feel it’s a good thing to be raising awareness about because while things may not be as big of a deal to our fellow neurotypicals it is for us because of how we have a different “wiring” for lack of a better term.

Parents Reply
  • I am so sorry you were bullied at school, that is obviously very traumatic. I hope you are somehow able to recover and process that now.

    This may not be reassuring but I hope you find comfort in the unfortunate fact that bullying is a very common experience in our autistic community, you are definitely not alone.

    We are here for you! I hope you feel accepted in this autistic community?
