What did everyone do for Easter yesterday?

Hi not posted anything fun for a while so let’s start up again what did everyone do at Easter yesterday? Me I was going to cook chicken dinner for me and my friend we were going to circus eruption to practice circus skills then back over mine for chicken dinner and all the trimmings, but sadly he canceled as he been really ill for the last 10 days with a nasty virus but is now on the mend yay. Instead I slept in then just played computer games all day while stuffing myself with chocolate and wine lovely chill day for me. 

  • ah, where to begin?

  • I was unaware of that one, you must be a keen fan, do you go and spectate ever/sometimes? The only time I have was when I was 1 year old and the Tour de France had a stage start in Plymouth where I was born and lived. I've just asked Google Gemini why the start was there that year and it replied:

    There were two main reasons the Tour de France opted for Plymouth as the starting point in 1974:

    New Ferry Link: 1973 saw the inauguration of a ferry service connecting Plymouth, England to Roscoff, France. This new transportation route likely symbolized a stronger connection between the two countries, and the Tour organizers decided to celebrate it with a stage starting in Plymouth.

    Britain Joining the Common Market: Britain's entry into the European Economic Community (EEC), also known as the Common Market, in 1973 was another significant factor. The Tour de France, by incorporating a stage in England, might have aimed to acknowledge this new European unity.

    However, the 1974 Plymouth stage wasn't without its challenges. Riders reportedly faced long delays at border control, which wasn't exactly an ideal way to kick off the Tour! 

  • I don’t really have any social life so I was just at home eating a roast dinner and some easter eggs 

  • Aw that's so sweet. I'm glad he's on the mend and you still got to see other around the Easter time, sort of. Enjoy your egg!

  • Chicken or egg? That’s a whole discussion on its own! 

  • Hope everyone enjoyed their Easter. Update about my friend he is on the mend I seen him today for a short while went for a drive in his car around the country side. Gave him his Easter egg and he gave me mine so we had a short belated Easter together lol. 

  • if there was an egg that came first...

  • I love a roast dinner especially if it’s lamb or beef. 

  • Fajitas, well that’s Easter related if they were chicken!!

  • I had an egg hunt with my little sister, she's 9 and still gets pretty excited about Easter. We did the egg hunt in the garden. I got up before her and hid the eggs in different places. We had a lot of fun searching together and then in the afternoon we waited Peter Rabbit 1 and 2. It was a good day, nice and calm and peaceful like.

    I'm sorry your friend was ill over Easter. Maybe you can do something nice together when he's fully recovered from this virus. Lots going about at the moment unfortunately.

  • The weather wasn’t good so I did some painting in my workshop, my wife was working, I’m not a fan of roast dinner. We had fajitas for our Easter dinner.

    Managed to get to a food fair on Monday and bought some really nice cheeses and chutneys. Once the chutneys have been through the blender they will be fine.

  • We do it every year since my boys were born but they are getting a bit old for it. Having said that they love chocolate though.

  • I hope you feel better now. I didn't find myself doing much either, but then I'm fasting too.  

  • That sounds like it was good fun. I used to do Easter egg hunts with my brother and sisters.

  • Nothing much in the end. I had a migraine and it left me feeling rubbish, so I spent most of the day in bed.

  • I went to an early morning Traditional Latin Mass for Easter here in the U.K. and then I went for lunch and after that, had some Zoom Calls with family back home in Ireland - due to travel disruptions since Covid, it’s far easier to contact family online - and Easter is also important for us Irish as well, because of the Easter Rising of 1916 

  • Sunday was the Ronde van Vlaanderen. It's one of the biggest races of the year for cycling fans. 

  • I avoided tourists, it was wet most of the day, so not many people were about. I did some cleaning, walked my dog, Fearn, then did some more ancestry research, the rest of the time I sat on my bum reading and watching telly

  • What cycling was on yesterday? BicyclistThumbsup

  • I survived (so that's something) Slight smileThumbsup