What did everyone do for Easter yesterday?

Hi not posted anything fun for a while so let’s start up again what did everyone do at Easter yesterday? Me I was going to cook chicken dinner for me and my friend we were going to circus eruption to practice circus skills then back over mine for chicken dinner and all the trimmings, but sadly he canceled as he been really ill for the last 10 days with a nasty virus but is now on the mend yay. Instead I slept in then just played computer games all day while stuffing myself with chocolate and wine lovely chill day for me. 

  • I went to an early morning Traditional Latin Mass for Easter here in the U.K. and then I went for lunch and after that, had some Zoom Calls with family back home in Ireland - due to travel disruptions since Covid, it’s far easier to contact family online - and Easter is also important for us Irish as well, because of the Easter Rising of 1916 

  • I went to an early morning Traditional Latin Mass for Easter here in the U.K. and then I went for lunch and after that, had some Zoom Calls with family back home in Ireland - due to travel disruptions since Covid, it’s far easier to contact family online - and Easter is also important for us Irish as well, because of the Easter Rising of 1916 

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