Generation Anxiety: smartphones have created a gen Z mental health crisis – but there are ways to fix it

  • This is a really interesting thread. Thanks Debbie for making it! It's interesting seeing how different things have been for us growing up and how that's shaped us as people. We really are a diverse group of people. Blush

    I'm of the Gen Z time but must be the exception as I've got a phone but it spends most of its time on my desk feeling unloved. Lol. I'm more in to using my PC, mostly because it doesn't ring 24-7 and I don't get loads of messages flooding me all the time. I keep it on silent so the ringing can't trigger me and notifications are silent too.

    I never use social media. This site is all the social contact I need as it's good people, nice atmosphere and we can support each other when we need to without being trolled hopefully.

    Whereas Facebook and the rest of the main social platforms are absolutely toxic. I don't need that in my life so I don't bother with them.

    The main reason I even have a phone is for the reminders. My phone can remind me at specific intervals to eat and drink as because of my autism I really struggle with both and it's led to a lot of health complications in the past. Phone reminders have likely saved my life hundreds of times now. Easy access to the internet is also good, it means I can look up anything that may peak my interests... Which happens a lot! I'm a curious creature. Lol.

    It's easy to access resources as well such as Samaritans and when I was younger I could use Childline as well. Immediate access and it was all secure on my phone. No one knew and I was able to reach out whenever I needed to.

    My doctors also have an email service and that is perfect for me as I find it really difficult and uncomfortable talking on the phone. But a few taps and I've got their email and can contact them within five minutes and I'll normally have a response within the hour. 

    I like the idea of phones but they're a bit of a nuisance in my opinion because a lot of people become glued to them. My brother spends all his time on his, messaging people on social media he says, but he even does it when he's watching stuff on the TV but then I think he can't really be watching it or taking what's happening in can he? My little sister uses hers all the time as well, even when she crosses the road, dangerous much?

    My sister is glued to social media like most her age and she worries what other people think of her and is she popular enough, is she pretty etc...I was like that when I was at school but non digitally, I just thought it like most girls my age but phones and social media have changed things considerably to the extent they actually say it aloud online and of course you get a lot of trolling which has serious mental and emotional effects.

    At my old school kids are now allowed their phones on school premises. It's their right to feel safe and have that level of contact with family etc. I think that's a mistake. I coped at school without and so did everyone else before. It was better how it used to be. I think they're cool but people take it to extremes. I use mine for banking but I try to use my PC if I can. When I'm out the phone is handy then for paying for things and for accessing Google Maps and constant reminders to eat and drink but other than that I try not to use it too much.

    Best wishes,


  • This site is all the social contact I need as it's good people, nice atmosphere and we can support each other when we need to without being trolled hopefully.

    Thank you for that great contribution.

    Please do be very careful who you accept as friends here as they can PM you then, even if you later remove them - I suggest you get to know anyone who sends you a request here first through their posts and forum interaction.

  • That's wise advice about the need to be careful when accepting friend requests, and taking time to get to know members through the forums first. Thumbsup

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