Generation Anxiety: smartphones have created a gen Z mental health crisis – but there are ways to fix it

  • I'm in my mid 20s. I noticed my phone usage rocketing as the pandemic happened. Before then, I wasn't scrolling the likes of Twitter or whatever to an unhealthy amount, although I did let some things on the internet (namely forums) get to me personally.

    It's only since last May that I've been off it completely but it's only because I had to. God knows if I would have ever found the strength to step back otherwise.

    I think if I was to go back, I'd have very clear parameters: one account on one platform, be really careful as to who I allow into my sphere and don't comment on everything or spend all day on there.

    I am better at leaving my phone alone when I actually have something to do though. If I'm not busy, I fall back into the old habits.

  • I like that you are here on this one account. I appreciate you being here.

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