A post for Peter & the others who "want a meaty discussion"..

I get emails from a few people vastly more articulate and more able to organise their thoughts than me.

They usually would like me to sign up to their paid services, which ain't gonna happen unless somethng changes in my relationship with "money". 

This one guy really does seem to hit the mark rather well, but today he clearly explained, with pictures for us slower types, exactly what the hell is wrong with the world. 



And there's cat pctures...

  • In case anyone doesn't want to read this delightful piece of literature, here is an excerpt from the rant, and as far as I can tell (having read it twice)' the crux of its message:

    this is the inevitable outcome of aggrievement culture where professed marginalization is mistaken for status.

    it's an iterative negative sum game where to stay on top, you always need to be "more oppressed than thou" and so it rapidly selects for the most broken, damaged, and bereft people and shunts them to the top by acting as though they are somehow virtuous for being disastrous human failures.

    i mean, how can that possibly end save the calamity of rule by the mentally ill?

    Nice, ISperg.

    You have really shown your colours here.

  • In case anyone doesn't want to read this delightful piece of literature, here is an excerpt from the rant, and as far as I can tell (having read it twice)' the crux of its message:

    this is the inevitable outcome of aggrievement culture where professed marginalization is mistaken for status.

    it's an iterative negative sum game where to stay on top, you always need to be "more oppressed than thou" and so it rapidly selects for the most broken, damaged, and bereft people and shunts them to the top by acting as though they are somehow virtuous for being disastrous human failures.

    i mean, how can that possibly end save the calamity of rule by the mentally ill?

    Nice, ISperg.

    You have really shown your colours here.
