Is it getting a little bit boring around here?

So cut me some slack because what I'm about to say is likely to annoy some people but it's not an accusation against any one as such. But don't you get tired with the threads here. 60% seems to be parents going 'my child X please help.' Even if you restrict yourself the autistic adults forum so much of it is so trivial and boring every day. I've started clasifing the difrent classes of boring threads I'm reading, they are so predictable.

  • Hey I'm autistic and I have trait / experence X! do we all have X? what about you?
  • Here is a random piece of prozaic infomation about how my day went I just want to share incase it interests you.
  • I don't like how autism is portayed in the media.
  • I'm nervese about upcoming diagnoises
  • I did / didn't get diagnosed
  • Should I get diagnosed?
  • random pets / animal memes / pictures thread.
  • Help there is trouble at work (valid to ask for help of course but it gets tirering giving the same advice over and over)
  • advise me what resonable adjustments I should ask for
  • Random quiz thread. E.G. 'what is your favorite X,' 'do you have X type of thing.' etc.
  • Here's a random long artical / youtube video (usuall with no scientific evidence) about autism I think you should see.
  • Life sucks because X (again very valid but all too often it's in a way that doesn't really open a discussion, it's just for sympathy)
  • I have a Problem please help (but gives almost no detail or context for the problem so it's hard to say much).
  • How do I deleat / please deleat.

Threads I miss seeing and that seem to be getting rarer:

  • I have controversial opinion X and here are my reasions; lets talk about it.
  • I have a novel problem X and here is a lot of detail can you help me brain storm.
  • What would make life better for autistic people is X, do you agree? How do we work towards it.
  • Curent afairs / polotics thing X is an issue for autistic people what should we do about it?
  • Thing X that autistic people tend to strugel with presents a moril / pholosophical chalenge for autistic people how should we adress it?
  • Here is a news artical / press release / peer reveiwed paper relevent to autistic people.

I'm not saying everything has to be like a oxbridge debating sociaty but it would be nice if we could have a few more meaty discussions around here. I'm surely not the only one who feels that way?

  • Peter. this has been a wonderful thread, and has given me much pause for thought.

    As you know I somewhat sympathise with your position, AND I've well noted that you are one of the people on here who has made an effort to provide a resource for other people, so have attempted to invest in other people which is a very brave and generous thing to try.

    Where you are foundering as many of us do, is that you "would like things to go a bit more to your liking". 

    (Indeed, I'm wondering if I get some tee shirts made with "I would like things to be a bit more to my liking" if NAS will let me market them here?)

    That feeling of "I would like things to be a bit more to my liking" is pernicious, just like picking up a tobacco addiction is, (and about as hard to shake off) but ultimately with humans it always leads to people being killed for "making things wrong for other people".

  • Peter. this has been a wonderful thread, and has given me much pause for thought.

    As you know I somewhat sympathise with your position, AND I've well noted that you are one of the people on here who has made an effort to provide a resource for other people, so have attempted to invest in other people which is a very brave and generous thing to try.

    Where you are foundering as many of us do, is that you "would like things to go a bit more to your liking". 

    (Indeed, I'm wondering if I get some tee shirts made with "I would like things to be a bit more to my liking" if NAS will let me market them here?)

    That feeling of "I would like things to be a bit more to my liking" is pernicious, just like picking up a tobacco addiction is, (and about as hard to shake off) but ultimately with humans it always leads to people being killed for "making things wrong for other people".

  • I disagree. We all must architect our futures. At the deliveroo of life we can't just say 'I'm fine with what everyone else wants' and then be suprised that we have nothing to eat. The strugel of trying to build the world you want is not meanngless. With hard work you'd be amazed how many of our dreams can be realised. Especially if we work together. Of course it may be one mans dream of anothers nightmare. But with regards to a world with out debate or controvercy belive me no matter how much some people might think that would be paradice if they ever actually get it they will live to regret it.

  • you are one of the people on here who has made an effort to provide a resource for other people, so have attempted to invest in other people which is a very brave and generous thing to try.

    You make an important and valid observation here (about Peter) that has not escaped my notice either.  Balance (and fairness) is important to me, in respect to the treatment of others in this place.