Why do people ask for my opinion when they don't want it?

Someone asked for my opinion on something they had made and I said I have no feelings towards it, they said that I'm being upsetting and my mom said that I should lie from time to time and stop being honest.

I'm just really confused; why would you ask something but not want the truth and only expect a socially acceptable answer that you already know what would be? Is this a fun game of lies for them that I'm not getting? Or them asking for my opinion is actually: 'Tell me something good and make me feel better about myself' in a hidden way? Personally, I don't get much out of compliments; if I'm not feeling good about something, people's opinions can never change that, sure I think it's nice of them to share their thoughts on something they like about me, but now that I've learnt that people think compliments can be lies, that also doesn't make any sense anymore, does it?

  • well to be perfectly fair that wasnt even a opinion, to state you have no feelings on something is more of a neutral thing. saying you have no opinion on it, so that is more of a "i have no opinion on it" kinda thing, so i dont understand why they took that as a opinion when its clearly not and its more of a no opinion response lol

    my kickboxing coach showed me a picture of his dog and said isnt it cute, i said nah its ugly lol he was ok with that, although i did say it as a joke my real opinion would be of no opinion as a dog is just a dog to me.

  • well to be perfectly fair that wasnt even a opinion, to state you have no feelings on something is more of a neutral thing. saying you have no opinion on it, so that is more of a "i have no opinion on it" kinda thing, so i dont understand why they took that as a opinion when its clearly not and its more of a no opinion response lol

    my kickboxing coach showed me a picture of his dog and said isnt it cute, i said nah its ugly lol he was ok with that, although i did say it as a joke my real opinion would be of no opinion as a dog is just a dog to me.
