Obsessive special interests taking over your life in adulthood

I have a special interest which consumed my life when I was a child but I managed to refocus my priorities when I was about sixteen. I finally started to commit less time to it/ spent less time talking about it and my social life improved dramatically.

Six months ago (ten years later after this change), I fell back into the all-consuming fantasy world of my special interest and the obsession is worse than it's ever been. I spend every waking moment thinking about it/reading about it/engaging with content on it.

I think part of the reason I stopped in the first place is I had become embarrassed by my special interest. My boyfriend at the time made jokes about it and I learnt to suppress it to impress people and fit in.

Last year, I became single for the first time in 7 years and it's all come flooding back. 

The problem is, I can see my family getting worried. I don't go out, I don't see my friends, I don't talk about anything other than my special interest. Personally, I'm having a great time. I haven't fel this free and happy in years. But I can see by the reactions of the people around me that this isn't normal and I'm worrying them.

I'm not sure if it's symptomatic of a decline in my mental health, or if I'm actually just embracing a part of myself I tried to ignore for too long and it's coming in a huge wave cause I've put it off for so long. 

I know I want to manage it so I can stop people from worrying, but I don't want to give it up again because it makes me happy- in fact, it's the only thing that makes me happy at the moment. My life is empty without it. I genuinely don't know what I was doing for ten years not paying it the right attention. 

Can anyone relate to this? Or does anyone have any guidance? 

  • I know I want to manage it

    The best way I ever found for this is to make it like a reward after having done your other chores / tasks. Even then set limits on it and try to have a day off once a week to stop it becoming all consuming.

    The chores / tasks can be everything from personal hygeine, housework, keeping in contact with others etc.

    You need to make it your career!

    Good advice.

    Start storyboarding your own adventures in the environment of the series and see if you can build up a creative stream from this over time. The stories can be ported to other environments with a little effort but see what fan fiction exists and try a few short stories published there to start with and develop your style.

    A good tip is to keep a notepad to write down ideas when they occurr and leave developing these for later - it helps you star in the moment more when around others and should stop you living full time in that world in your head.

    It could also be that you are escaping from something by doing this so have a hard look at the time you started and what preceeded it. It may be you need to address something in your life to let you move on but in the meantime see where it takes you so long as it is being positive for your mental health.

  • I know I want to manage it

    The best way I ever found for this is to make it like a reward after having done your other chores / tasks. Even then set limits on it and try to have a day off once a week to stop it becoming all consuming.

    The chores / tasks can be everything from personal hygeine, housework, keeping in contact with others etc.

    You need to make it your career!

    Good advice.

    Start storyboarding your own adventures in the environment of the series and see if you can build up a creative stream from this over time. The stories can be ported to other environments with a little effort but see what fan fiction exists and try a few short stories published there to start with and develop your style.

    A good tip is to keep a notepad to write down ideas when they occurr and leave developing these for later - it helps you star in the moment more when around others and should stop you living full time in that world in your head.

    It could also be that you are escaping from something by doing this so have a hard look at the time you started and what preceeded it. It may be you need to address something in your life to let you move on but in the meantime see where it takes you so long as it is being positive for your mental health.

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