My lack of understanding jokes

I don't understand jokes, and if I understand that something is a joke, I don't understand the context.

  • You could do some research on the nature of jokes and humour - there is plenty on the internet that will explain this to you so you can identify when it is a joke and can try to connect with the humour.

    It may be you are like Sheldon Cooper who has to really work at it but with a solid understanding of the mechanics you are off to a good start,

    I would start with something like

    After that, get searching for other stuff (YouTube is a good source) and educate yourself.

  • You could do some research on the nature of jokes and humour - there is plenty on the internet that will explain this to you so you can identify when it is a joke and can try to connect with the humour.

    It may be you are like Sheldon Cooper who has to really work at it but with a solid understanding of the mechanics you are off to a good start,

    I would start with something like

    After that, get searching for other stuff (YouTube is a good source) and educate yourself.

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