Online and real life connections: are they equal/unequal in value or just different?

What is the difference between 'knowing' in real life and 'knowing' online? 

Do they both count as much as each other, these 2 very different types of connection?

I've read on here a post which I felt devalued  the connections we have here.

I find them rather valuable.

I think my in person life connections are more 'corporeal' but they are also more problematic and draining of my limited resources.

They also tend to be with allistics.

What do you think?

  • What is 'knowing in real life? We may see each other in person, but in today's world, we may not. There are other means of making and maintaining personal connections- friendships even.

    I'm not sure it makes much difference to our perception- we get a sense of the person at the other end of our communications even if we've never seen them. It's entirely possible to feel that we know someone without having met them

    Moreover, as somebody who works frequently with the written communications of people long dead, I.can tell you that virtual relationships are nothing new! Slight smile

  • as somebody who works frequently with the written communications of people long dead, I.can tell you that virtual relationships are nothing new!

    I was just thinking about historic friendships by letter actually.

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