How to love your self?

Hi all, 

What tips do people have for learning to love yourself? 

I am very negative towards my self, both with how i feel i like, my body/weight and generally who i am as a person. 

I dislike most things personally about me, dislike my body, personality, looks etc but wont go into that too much. 

So, how do we love ourselves again? 

I do - eventually - want a partner, but i just am not quite there yet (by yet, 16 years since my last partner), So it is taking a while haha


  • I was tempted to sarcastically post a link to the Ann Summers website and then I realised that that probably wasn’t far off the mark.

    sometimes the easiest way to change the way you see something is to get into the habit of treating it a different way. If you don’t see your body as attractive maybe treat it as if it was. Etc

  • I was tempted to sarcastically post a link to the Ann Summers website and then I realised that that probably wasn’t far off the mark.

    sometimes the easiest way to change the way you see something is to get into the habit of treating it a different way. If you don’t see your body as attractive maybe treat it as if it was. Etc

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