How to love your self?

Hi all, 

What tips do people have for learning to love yourself? 

I am very negative towards my self, both with how i feel i like, my body/weight and generally who i am as a person. 

I dislike most things personally about me, dislike my body, personality, looks etc but wont go into that too much. 

So, how do we love ourselves again? 

I do - eventually - want a partner, but i just am not quite there yet (by yet, 16 years since my last partner), So it is taking a while haha


  • The easiest way to love yourself is to not compare yourself to other people. Be happy with who you are. One thing that makes people thoroughly unhappy is trying to be like others. But don't, you're amazing as you are.

  • I was tempted to sarcastically post a link to the Ann Summers website and then I realised that that probably wasn’t far off the mark.

    sometimes the easiest way to change the way you see something is to get into the habit of treating it a different way. If you don’t see your body as attractive maybe treat it as if it was. Etc

  • Take your time and be kind to yourself. It's never too late.

    Some tips I've found that help me with self love is:

    • Refraining from negative self-talk.
    • Committing to building healthy habits.
    • Doing things that are difficult now to make life better for future you.
    • Accepting imperfection.

    Try to focus on the good things about you and the good things in your life. That's something my therapist has suggested I do.