

I am always overthinking in relationships as recently, I broke up with my ex a while ago and we have reminded friends until recently, they have always known about my Autism & OCD tendencies and have been rather supportive of them & not bothered by them which is a good thing. But recently they told me how they felt and something didn't sit right with me, did they feel that way because I was autistic, I always truly felt that I was strange or something, always talking myself down. But then they told me some stuff and it brought it up all back up.

It's like I think, can I find someone who I could have a relationship with? Without showing my tendencies or anything like that. 

I would love to hear some feedback on how you cope in relationships, I have always struggled but I struggle with my emotions and explaining them. 

  • Well, there seems to be a few people on this thread that are kindof in the same boat as me, so i guess i will offer ... 

    if there is anyone in the midlands area who would like to meet up for a coffee and a chat - nothing more - lets just call it socializing practice, -  message me.  old, young, man woman .. whatever, it would be nice to be able to chat with someone who understands the challenges.  

    Im sure we can find somewhere with people so it is safe, yet quiet enough so it isn't too going to be too much for the senses.

  • Well, there seems to be a few people on this thread that are kindof in the same boat as me, so i guess i will offer ... 

    if there is anyone in the midlands area who would like to meet up for a coffee and a chat - nothing more - lets just call it socializing practice, -  message me.  old, young, man woman .. whatever, it would be nice to be able to chat with someone who understands the challenges.  

    Im sure we can find somewhere with people so it is safe, yet quiet enough so it isn't too going to be too much for the senses.

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