
Hi, I have been waiting 6 years for an Autism Assessment on the NHS.  A colleague came into the office last week claiming that the NHS were sending him to a private clinic due to the waiting lists....I was really angry!  it totally triggered me.

I have not heard this myself personally.  Has anyone here?


  • I've just completed my ADHD assessment through Right to Choose with Clinical Partners, completely paid for by the NHS.

    I've also only just started (last friday) my assessment through my GP for ASD. I will admit that whilst Clinical Partners may not communicate very well to you, if you reach out to them, they do respond. You can ask them as many times as you want "Have you received my referral" and they will answer you and give you an answer, they are very helpful. When they contacted me about my ADHD assessment, after about 4 months of waiting the people I spoke to were very friendly and happy to help at any point. They give you a comprehensive assessment, the same as you'd get with the NHS and a very detailed report. I would rate them a 5/5.

    I know if you are on an NHS waiting list, you can switch to a Right to Choose pathway, which significantly reduces your wait time, as long as your GP agrees.

    Happy to answer any other questions you may have though Slight smile

  • Hi 

    My son is on the waiting list for right to choose with Clinical Partners. I’m going in to my Gp to do the same for me next. I’ve found them very good when I’ve spoken to them for advice. Apparently the asd assessment is done via Zoom (or similar) 

    we were originally on a 3 year wait for my son so I pushed my Gp into doing right to choose. 

    Thanks for the info 

  • Hi 

    My son is on the waiting list for right to choose with Clinical Partners. I’m going in to my Gp to do the same for me next. I’ve found them very good when I’ve spoken to them for advice. Apparently the asd assessment is done via Zoom (or similar) 

    we were originally on a 3 year wait for my son so I pushed my Gp into doing right to choose. 

    Thanks for the info 

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