
Hi, I have been waiting 6 years for an Autism Assessment on the NHS.  A colleague came into the office last week claiming that the NHS were sending him to a private clinic due to the waiting lists....I was really angry!  it totally triggered me.

I have not heard this myself personally.  Has anyone here?


  • Hi 

    My son is on the waiting list for right to choose with Clinical Partners. I’m going in to my Gp to do the same for me next. I’ve found them very good when I’ve spoken to them for advice. Apparently the asd assessment is done via Zoom (or similar) 

    we were originally on a 3 year wait for my son so I pushed my Gp into doing right to choose. 

    Thanks for the info 

  • I've just completed my ADHD assessment through Right to Choose with Clinical Partners, completely paid for by the NHS.

    I've also only just started (last friday) my assessment through my GP for ASD. I will admit that whilst Clinical Partners may not communicate very well to you, if you reach out to them, they do respond. You can ask them as many times as you want "Have you received my referral" and they will answer you and give you an answer, they are very helpful. When they contacted me about my ADHD assessment, after about 4 months of waiting the people I spoke to were very friendly and happy to help at any point. They give you a comprehensive assessment, the same as you'd get with the NHS and a very detailed report. I would rate them a 5/5.

    I know if you are on an NHS waiting list, you can switch to a Right to Choose pathway, which significantly reduces your wait time, as long as your GP agrees.

    Happy to answer any other questions you may have though Slight smile

  • Thanks Rish. The only things I have prepared is my traits.. I forget things a lot so if there not all wrote down I will miss things. 

  • Keep chasing up on them. Make yourself a pest otherwise you might be forgotten. It unfortunately does happen, people wait and wait and then suddenly they have to start all over again because they got lost in the sphere.

    The wait times are ridiculous.

    I was diagnosed in 2016 and it took nearly four years. Sounds even worse now.

  • Hi Take5

    I did not go in prepared and I personally suggest you don't prepare. That way they can see your struggles. And I REALLY struggled through it. 

  • Hi Rish 

    That is who we have done it with for my son. How did you find it? Also I’m looking at using them for myself but I’m worried that because I heavily mask are they going to be able to assess me?? 
    Is there anything I can do in preparation to help? 
    Would love to hear some feedback if you have any?

    Thank you

  • either way if you want nhs to be paid more in real terms you are then against the poor majority and saying their minimum wage should remain low as possible. but yet this entire mindset wants to pander to everything and please everything... you cant do that.

    I don't follow your logic here - who are the poor majority whose minimum wage I am trying to keep low?

    Where was I saying it should be low? I'm not - they all need to advocate for their own pay structure in my opinion.

    I also don't get where this extends to saying everything should be pandered to - in the discussion above we are advocating for a salary in keeping with inflation at the very least -  ideally a better income than they have now to prevent further losses to the private sector.

    What other minimum wage earners want to fight for is their business.

  • but yet it goes down in real terms because the minimum wage of everyone elses goes up.... you cant win this here because either way if you want nhs to be paid more in real terms you are then against the poor majority and saying their minimum wage should remain low as possible. but yet this entire mindset wants to pander to everything and please everything... you cant do that... you cant raise minimum wage massively all the time while also making higher paid jobs like nhs staff feel their wage in real terms has stayed same or increased... because its measured against the poor majorities wage... minimum wage goes up and in real terms the higher earners jobs seem to pay less.... the only way you can fix this on that is to pin minimum wage down and never actually raise it... ever...

  • I waited three years and no sign of getting an assessment soon. So I switched to Right to Choose with Clinical Partners. At the time their wait list was 3 months. 

  • they probably mean ‘right to choose’. All your GP. Shorter waiting time. 

  • Agree about pushing them, I was told if you do right to choose when you have your assessment it will automatically cancel your original NHS assessment. I thing the Gp’s are generally in the dark with right to choose. I made it easy for them by printing all the information off and the forms and delivered them to the secretary of the Gp surgery in person. 

  • You need to really press your GP on 'right to choose', mine was reluctant as I think it affects their budget. However you are then going onto another waiting list of 6+ months. I went onto a another waiting list but GP didn't take me off the NHS list so I have my NHS assment on Tuesday, thats after 4 years and 2 months!

  • I have just successfully got right to choose for my son and I’m now going to do the same for myself. It was relatively straightforward, I printed everything off and delivered it to our Gp’s secretary. Gp’s are not always aware of the pathway but they can’t really refuse it. The list for community services was 3 years and now it’s 3-6 months. 

  • putting money above the health of the people... very capitalist of them for a socialist system using a socialist idea and a socialist strike, all for money, all for want of greed of more money.

    If your pay had reduced by 11% over the last decade in real terms then you would be unhappy, especially as there are plenty of private options open to you that pay a lot more.

    Have a look at how the NHS pay has been affected over the last 10 years:

    That is far from the money grabbing image you portray.

  • yeah i think the issue is... they are on strike all the time lol sorry, cant process anyone or move the que, were too busy striking, chasing more money, putting money above the health of the people... very capitalist of them for a socialist system using a socialist idea and a socialist strike, all for money, all for want of greed of more money. very capitalist these so called socialists that theyd throw away the peoples health all for a extra buck lol

  • Hi, i did contact the assessment centre and i did receive a letter - pretty much saying 'yes you are on the list - don't contact us again'!   Thanks for your advice, I will contact them again and see what they say.

  • Have you been hearing from the autism diagnosis service during those six years? It is not unknown for people to drop off waiting lists sometimes. 

    It is the case that they can send patients to private services (through schemes such as right to choose) and they do do so. It's very possible that this has happened for your colleague but I can understand the frustration.

    I would recommend contacting your assessment centre about this. To check where you are on the waiting list (and thus if you're still on it) and also to ask about this scheme and whether you could be part of it.

  • I am on a long waiting list, but I believe there is something called 'right to choose' ... you get to choose who will provide the service, and this can be private, paid for by the NHS.

    The NHS really is ***.