How did you make your peace with this life?

Being separate, other, misunderstood, invisible. How can you bear it?

  • Finding peace is hard. I used to dream big and wanted to change myself but now I feel happy and content with who I am.

    I'm autistic and that's fine. If people don't like it then that's their problem and I'm sorry they can't accept me.

    I find peace in the little things in life.

    Seeing a bee flying around and sitting on the flowers.

    Hearing the birds sing first thing in the morning.

    Watching the sun rise.

    Sitting by a stream and writing.

    Listening to music.

    All of this is only small but they make me feel happy, positive and glad to be alive. They bring me peace and help me get through the toughest and darkest days of my life.

    I still get lonely but I'm so used to it now it's become the norm for me.

    Suicide ideation is something I suffer from on a fairly regular basis but I try to distract myself and some of the above does bring me that peace.

  • Well, a few things

    Not everybody will 'other' or misunderstood, though many might. Invisible can be hard, but also useful, sometimes.

    Being in more tolerant environments, all are not equal.

    Not that I'd have accepted this when I was younger, but there are greater challenges/worse things. Perspective makes a difference.

    Ultimately, you find a way to live in the world. 

  • I really don’t know sometimes. Speaking for myself I have a few good day’s followed by ok days and then those dreadful dark days. It’s a common pattern for me and I just tell myself that it will pass and I’ll have some good days again. 
    Misunderstood and invisible I can totally relate to especially around my wife’s family and our couple friends. Because I struggle to find words quickly enough in conversations I can see people drift away and then start a new topic, It’s so deflating. I really try with the scripting as well but you can never prepare for everything.