Puzzling GP conversation…

I (37f) went to see my GP today for a sick line. I am struggling with the demands of work at the moment. I am currently undertaking a private assessment for ASD after years of social difficulties and mental health issues. I asked the Dr while I was there if she would accept a private diagnosis. The (short) conversation ended in her saying if I had held down a job and a relationship I was not autistic. 

This has absolutely baffled me and seems a bit short sighted! I just wondered if anyone had any thoughts?

  • Sad situation but not unexpected.

    Reminds me of my PIP assessment saying that I don't need any help because I successfully completed a degree.

  • ha, if you got a degree then you need help because your degree would have likely put you in a life of debt lol

  • LOL, American propaganda again. UK student loan is incredibly easy to pay, and if you get a good degree you will earn several times the salary of a person without. If you get a Mickey Mouse degree you will be in debt for life, but then you would just deserve it. I spoke with people with an History or Arts degree earning minimum wage lol.

  • Minimum wage exists to benefit big business, because they can afford it, but the smaller businesses cannot.  Just politicians doing the bidding of their rich friends ... and the poverty that minimum wages cause - they do not care.
    If you work or the state, you should be paid less, as you have FAR more job security.  the state takes our money by the threat or use of force (commonly called taxation), or they take it via inflation (via money printing) so state workers always get paid, the plumber will not.

  • builders generally set their own price. thats the difference between working for a wage and working for yourself... yet another layer of private that means more money. public isnt more money. if people want them to be paid more money then they want them to be privatised. this is sending mixed messages.

    £15 per hour only seems small because the minimum wage has skyrocketed insanely.... £15 per hour is likely what they had like... 3 years or so back when we was all on £7 per hour minimum wage lol thing is when minimum wage goes up its much harder to get all the other higher brackets up, this is one argument people often have against minimum wage increases, it makes these positions that are higher than minimum wage then get devalued... but yet people who want doctors to be paid higher wages are also people who want the minimum wage to also go up higher, so the minimum wage increases negate any increase they give to the doctors... this is a tricky situation because the public calling for these things are not bright enough to understand how each thing conflicts with another and creates a endless cycle where someone is always unhappy.

  • This may be true if you are working in the private sector doing something like insurance and banking. In the public sector, many early career professionals are poorly paid - look at the junior doctors' £15 per hour. The hourly rate for many teachers, nurses, social workers etc. is less than a skilled artisan. If you have recently called in a builder or plumber you will know what I mean ...

  • im kinda the same. but this was mainly due to never really having much so having to make anything i get really last or count for something as i didnt have a job until my 30s or something. plus growing up i never got any money while other kids were given like £500 from a single person on their birthdays lol so everyone else was showered with money, so no one else understood the scarcity of it, while at most i got like £10 or £20 for birthday or christmas lol so i understood the scarcity and to hold and make it last for when it counts.

  • thats true, but you see this alot in people with degrees or who went on to higher education. they all seem to be pretty bad at managing their money.

    I don’t think there’s any relation between education and ability to manage finances.

    I have two degrees but money has always been my super power. When I started out and had a very low income I always still managed to save money and now I earn a lot and one of my interests is investing and I save a ridiculous amount of money.

    This isn’t a boast, If anything it feels like another way for the universe to get at me. I have money but no one to enjoy it with.

  • thats true, but you see this alot in people with degrees or who went on to higher education. they all seem to be pretty bad at managing their money. although its likely a societal thing in general, everyone just sees money as a thing to use right away and waste with no idea that they should maximise it and be thinking of building it to retire off instead. then they whine they cant retire... well duh, you spent every penny as soon as you got it lol i think society has a really big problem with people being really bad with money. its like everyone is educated to be this bad with money... i guess we do live in a society that has pretty much banned real financial education and made a mockery out of maths and turned it into gobledygook while showering us with adverts and consumer culture to try beg us to part with our money, and everyone just falls for it. not like theres any other example for people to follow and most people cant go their own way and think on this themselves.

  • thats true, but you see this alot in people with degrees or who went on to higher education. they all seem to be pretty bad at managing their money. although its likely a societal thing in general, everyone just sees money as a thing to use right away and waste with no idea that they should maximise it and be thinking of building it to retire off instead. then they whine they cant retire... well duh, you spent every penny as soon as you got it lol i think society has a really big problem with people being really bad with money. its like everyone is educated to be this bad with money... i guess we do live in a society that has pretty much banned real financial education and made a mockery out of maths and turned it into gobledygook while showering us with adverts and consumer culture to try beg us to part with our money, and everyone just falls for it. not like theres any other example for people to follow and most people cant go their own way and think on this themselves.

  • im kinda the same. but this was mainly due to never really having much so having to make anything i get really last or count for something as i didnt have a job until my 30s or something. plus growing up i never got any money while other kids were given like £500 from a single person on their birthdays lol so everyone else was showered with money, so no one else understood the scarcity of it, while at most i got like £10 or £20 for birthday or christmas lol so i understood the scarcity and to hold and make it last for when it counts.

  • thats true, but you see this alot in people with degrees or who went on to higher education. they all seem to be pretty bad at managing their money.

    I don’t think there’s any relation between education and ability to manage finances.

    I have two degrees but money has always been my super power. When I started out and had a very low income I always still managed to save money and now I earn a lot and one of my interests is investing and I save a ridiculous amount of money.

    This isn’t a boast, If anything it feels like another way for the universe to get at me. I have money but no one to enjoy it with.