The most difficult effect of bullying

Caveat: this is my experience and I don't intend to speak for anyone else.

Bullying, which for me was 99% verbal, is always difficult to deal with but I don't know if the act itself is what bothers me the most.

It's the fact no one stuck up for me. I get it to an extent; if you see it going on (either online or in-person), you may not wish to get involved because then *you'll* get attacked. 

But it leaves me feeling like everyone hates me, and like I deserved it. There may have been times where I did deserve it because no one close to me validated how I was feeling; I may have done something not worth defending but I could have done with someone defending me as a human being. I didn't (and don't) feel like it's worth it anymore, like I'm useless.

Just some thoughts.

  • I'm so sorry you've been bullied and it's understandable that it's affecting you so deeply. Bullying scars and the pain can last a lifetime. I have been bullied in person and online which has caused me mental problems since becoming an adult. I find it hard to trust people now and am always suspicious of them and their intentions, though I have suffered abuse too so it might be related to that but I expect the bullying is linked in there too.

    You aren't alone in this. Autistic people seem to be bullied a lot, maybe because we are trusting people and that's used against us.

  • It's worse when the online stuff came from other autistic people. 

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