Learning to Drive (& Passing!) As a mid-50s Autistic Adult

OH of 25 years died 3 years ago. Was always driven around on the rare excursions outside the home. Now realise I need to drive.

Is this realistically possible?

Anyone managed to do this - especially if you're also very bad in terms of coordination and multitasking?

  • I'm sorry to hear about your loss. 

    Just wanted to wish you all the best for your lessons. Maybe you could have a try at one of the off road tracks that there are about. Give you a feel for it without any other vehicles about.

    I am not a fan of driving but it certainly does help me to be able to drive about. I see it only as a way to get about rather than doing it for enjoyment. It would be fine if there were no other drivers  on the roads! I only drive short distances to places I know.

    Best wishes,

    Mrs Snooks

  • Thank you.

    However I've not started or even sought out a driving school/instructor. Just wanted some feedback to try to work out if it's a realistic endeavour or 1:1000000 pipe dream of a fool.

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