Public transport in this country needs to be better

A lot of things would be better if people knew they could use public transport when they needed it at a convenient price. Not everyone is able to drive and cars are expensive to run. Economies of scale mean that the more people you put on one vehicle the more cost efficient it is. That isn't to say nobody should own cars, some people need them. However, a lot of people do not need, at least they don't if there was a good public transport system in place. Personally I would create a 24 hour system. It would cost more initially but I think the benefits in the long term would far outweigh those costs and besides if a 24 hour system with regular times was put in place a lot of the money people spend on cars could then be rerouted to funding the public transport system through taxation.

  • It is indeed very real and terrifying, not only for our generation, but more importantly, for future generations 

  • Please research the Great Reset, sustainable development goals, Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2040 

  • Today I had my first trip on public transport for over a week.  The number of people coughing around me was a nightmare. Rage

  • eh its not really that dangerous. 
    if anyone would crash it would be me, but i rode to work and back every day for the past 3 or so years now on my motorbike in all conditions, and when i started work i hadnt ridden a motorbike for years so was wobbly and rusty at it too and likely still am not at test passing standard now lol but yeah im safe.... my virago 535 felt a bit unsafe because its handlebars were weird shape and i realise now after getting the enfield with its straight bars that the dodgy shape of the viragos bars made it so that was a uncontrollable bike and is no wonder i couldnt turn corners or bends on it very well lol ...but yeah the enfield feels super safe and glued to the road so what bike you get is also a big factor in safety. a new sensible bike would be safe, especially with all the new features bikes have now, you cant make mistakes on them anymore.

    the only danger is car users.... you realise this when you see people in cars taking bends by cutting into your lane and nearly head on collision each other... so id argue basedon that cars are far more deadly and unsafe as they cant even stick to their own lane when taking a bend.

  • Do it anyway!! 

    Disclaimer: Motorcycling can be dangerous, this is very dodgy advice!  

  • No, it's the way our leaders plan for us to live in the future.. They tell us in pain english, in wdely pubished and freely available essays.

    It's no "theory"

    It's da future!!!. 

  • I suspect it’s less a question of forcing people to live in cities and more just a reality that cuts tend to start in rural areas first. From a politicians point of view he is trying to buy votes with public services. Therefore why shouldn’t he spend that money in places where lots of people will experience a public service. He gets more bang for his buck that way.

    if there are more votes available in the city than the countryside you prioritise spending in the city if you have to make a choice between the two.

  • What absolute nonsense. Striking is a democratic right and fully justified in this position. Public transport in the UK is in such a horrible mess thanks to privatisation, yet another catastrophic failure of the avarice behind Conservative ideology. Savage underfunding and mismanagement has got us here and it's all down to the Tories, once again.

    It's your ultra-conservative ideals again, dear, causing all the problems. But just deny reality, why not eh? Truss is doing it right now anyway, follow the (former) leader.

    She's been in the US spreading far-right conspiracy theories blaming the left for her disastrous run as prime minister.

    When in reality, what happened was her chancellor presented a budget of £45bn in unfunded tax cuts, which unleashed economic chaos, sent interest rates soaring, caused people to pay more for their mortgages, and almost crashed the whole UK into a different dimension. Good old traditional Conservatism!

  • It seems to be that the Irish government since Covid have become much more radical and Millitant in removing social service public transport routes, along with everything else needed like banks and post offices in Rural Ireland, in order to actively discourage people from living in Rural areas, even with their own petrol, diesel or even hybrid or electric cars and force them to live in big cities and make it virtually impossible to live in rural areas 

  • elon musk had a alternative, that weird tunnel underground thing or whatever.... but that is a disaster waiting to happen with how narrow it is lol

    we can all ride motorbikes? they take less room, and it works for india and they ride around chaotically with no rules perfectly fine. more people squashed in a space on motorbikes as much as you can cram in busses all doing their own thing.

  • Pube might get confused with other things lmao.

  • Lol Rofl public is an instant put off.

  • Great idea! A 24 hour bus service to the built up areas would be a big hit I bet. I walk to school cause they closed the bus route I used to use and my mum had to start driving again cause she couldn't get to work after her bus was cancelled.

    I want to learn to ride a moped but my mum won't let me :-/ 

  • I know two people who have been attacked without warning on public transport.

    One received life changing injuries, the other toook his concealed-carry hatchet out from under his coat, and forced a rethink on behalf of his would-be  attackers... 

  • You appreciate of course that a 24 hours transport system can never be profitable. At least not on the conventional models. It’s never going to be profitable to run a bus that has maybe only one or two passengers on average late at night. But that’s not unusual for a bus running from the city centre out into the suburbs at 2am.

    it’s never going to be profitable to run buses between tiny little villages on a regular basis multiple times a day.

    A bus designed to hold 20 or 30 people driving back-and-forth with only one or two people in it is never going to be fuel efficient or economic.

    what rural areas have done in some parts of the country is have subsidised on demand minibuses where the bus only turns up when someone calls for it usually with a reasonable amount of advance notice. This still isn’t profitable and requires public tax money in order to subsidise it. But it requires less subsidisation than regularly running bus services to tiny villages.

    I think one good idea would be to have effectively a subsidised taxi service that operates on a carpooling system. Given that some large tax is now almost a size of minibuses anyway. particular ones designed to carry wheelchairs. You could have a smart phone app that you use to call for the public taxi which would be significantly cheaper than a private taxi. The trade-off is it may not arrive as quickly and when it does arrive it may have other passengers in it, it may take detour on my way to your destination to drop other passengers off or even to pick other passengers up. As a consequence you don’t really know for sure when you’re going to arrive at your destination. but that’s also very much true of current buses.

    at the end of the day I don’t think people have the patience anymore for multiple changes to get from point A to point B not when they had the convenience of using a car. Not when the roundabout journeys on the buses can take 50 to 100% longer.

    mass transit (underground and elevated light  rail networks) can help a little bit. but it can be a double edged sword because it can persuade too many people to work in too small an area. see the tube system in central London for a good example of that.

  • That is a sad to make it happier......

    I knew a bloke who had always wanted to be a bus driver, but had actually became an academic instead.  Much later in life, when he had retired (quite early) he decided to become a delivery driver (of one of those really long high vans,) and enjoyed it very greatly because he chose to pretend that he was actually driving a bus.  He was a happy man - now sadly dead.

    Sometimes, the simple things and the 'daft' things can bring proper happiness....even when you think the 'moment' and 'opportunity' has passed you by?!  I count on this !!!

  • Why isn't a single member of the public, known as a pubson....or perhaps a pube?!

  • I understand the points you are making but what is the alternative? Look at Los Angeles. Almost everyone drives a car and the city is full of gridlock, journeys take a long time and the pollution is horrendous. What is needed I think is maybe to bring back staff members who can deal with people like the ones you mention who sneeze on you

  • thats the thing, the more you complain about something the more it gets fixed and the better it gets... thats why i always criticise and complain about the nhs and stuff, because i want it to get better lol

    but yeah i was watching vids on people doing long journeys on sleeper trains and they look nice. as they have their own cabin and some of the fancy ones had beds and stuff and was like a hotel room. but yeah for any transport even a bus id prefer to be enclosed from other users..... everytime i get on a bus even when theres no one else on it and plenty of space someone always comes on and sits right behind me and then sneezes on the back of my head... its disgusting.

  • The trouble with public transport is that it's full of the "public"...