What do you make of this?

I came across this video yesterday,and I'd be interested to see what my neurokin make of it.


  • I've just finished watching Donald Hoffman talk about reality being a construct of our minds for evolutionary purposes. If you are interested in The Matrix aspect I'm sure he would be interesting.  I tried to give your video a chance out of pure curiosity.  I struggled with the delivery.  It wasnt about whether i agree or disagree with it, there just didn't seem to be any meat or substance for me...I managed 8 minutes but could feel my heart rate increasing. I've tried, at least give me that. Can I ask if you accept conspiracy theories because they are that, or is it more about maintaining an open mind? To me, to blindly follow conspiracy theory....isn't that the same as blindly following science or a religion? I mean no disrespect, I see you post a lot and am just curious as to where you are coming from.

    Edit: I've just accidentally liked my own post. Please forgive me!

  • Donald Hoffman's ideas are very interesting and seem almost obviously correct. Have you watched the Lex Fridman interview with him? I also have his book - The Case Against Reality.

  • No I haven't but thank you for the heads up.

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