What do you make of this?

I came across this video yesterday,and I'd be interested to see what my neurokin make of it.


  • I watched some of the video but found it difficult to get in to it, for no other reason than I found the background music difficult to ignore so it was a case of missing bits of what he was saying because of the music.

    I have this problem with watching TV as well and when being out shopping because there's so much other noise and sounds in the background....It's almost like my brain is jumping from one sound to the other, trying to lock on, trying to hear them all at the same time.

    When it comes to conspiracy theories I'm open to the idea of them and I will consider them. Conspiracy theories are a good workout for my brain, gives me something to think about....other than anxiety.

  • When I realised and accepted that I was autistic, I presumed that ALL of us would be like me in that regard.  How UTTERLY wrong I was!!!

    I considered this myself....Really thought I would find a group of people exactly like me.


    I like how we autists are similar, in the same boat but very different unique individuals.

  • Shameless bump to see if I can get any more replies...

    It's a genuine opportunity to see how (or if!) we think when faced with a cognitive novelty..

    There's supposed to be an "aspergers way of thinking" this seemed like a way to showcase the best of it, without stirring up strong feelings.  

  • TBF, his first two questions are decent and deserve a fair answer.

    Why? Because I'm here to learn, and because of age and experience have a duty to try and teach where neccesary, this post satisifes those requirements for me.

    As for "what do I make of it?", it's nice to be asked, but since my opinions seem to be controversial to some people, and can spark either lively and interesting debate, or the sort of nastiness that has people heading for the exits, I thought I'd keep them to myself, until everyone who wants to has had a go, without me stirring the pot.

  • You might be one of the really, really bright, ones who can get all that video has to offer in the first few seconds. 

    You ask a thoughtful and essential question about conspiracy theories. I accidentally learned of a real conspiracy to clandestinely irradiate a portion of Wales back in 1986 before conspiracy theory was a thing. It shook my faith in Authority and the system properly, because it was real, and it happened.

    I bumped up against the full panoply of lies, madness, legends and stories mixed in with a few credible reports when I took an interest in UFO physics, after reading some plot reprots which I found credible, enthralling and offered a new slant on propulsion technolgy. I was never inetrsted in what was inside the reported objects, just the mechanism of their movement. (I had a rather naive idea that if I could just figure out that physics, my money troubles would be over. I now know that the "figuring out" job has been done many times since the 1940's and it does NOT bring fame and fortune to one's door...

    For me CT combines elements of entertainment, education, elucidation and above all challenges and developes my own personal skill at lie detection.

    Why watch a TV thriller or whodunnit when real life contains those elements?

  • I liked the "first installment"/episode (the principles it espoused, are dear and core to my being), but I was DEEPLY sceptical of the knobish voice-over....and where "funding" for the 'slick graphics' and overall message would have come from.

    The "second installment"/episode answered my questions.

    During the "third installment"/episode, I was able (due to first hand expertise, personal competency and experience) to switch it off, and reject whatever it was trying to say.....because I knew, beyond all reasonable doubt, that it was spouting ballaux.

    I thank you (sincerely) for bringing this type of thing to my attention.  I feel it is my DUTY, as a human, to assess all tenable options, until such time, that I do not feel the need to do so.

    I remain open.....repeatedly....to all manner of (NT/ND/spiritual/waa-waa) entertainable options.  Even when I choose to conclude that some "stuff"/"presentations" are ballaux, I do sincerely like to understand what the "masses" (or certain portions thereof) are being fed, by whomever.

    When I realised and accepted that I was autistic, I presumed that ALL of us would be like me in that regard.  How UTTERLY wrong I was!!!

    Tribalism, definitalism and PERSONAL CERTAINTY ON ALL THINGS, seems to transcend the NT/ND boundaries!  Who knew!!

    I like to learn.

  • Sorry, I broke into special interest mode there

  • No I haven't but thank you for the heads up.

  • Donald Hoffman's ideas are very interesting and seem almost obviously correct. Have you watched the Lex Fridman interview with him? I also have his book - The Case Against Reality.

  • I've just finished watching Donald Hoffman talk about reality being a construct of our minds for evolutionary purposes. If you are interested in The Matrix aspect I'm sure he would be interesting.  I tried to give your video a chance out of pure curiosity.  I struggled with the delivery.  It wasnt about whether i agree or disagree with it, there just didn't seem to be any meat or substance for me...I managed 8 minutes but could feel my heart rate increasing. I've tried, at least give me that. Can I ask if you accept conspiracy theories because they are that, or is it more about maintaining an open mind? To me, to blindly follow conspiracy theory....isn't that the same as blindly following science or a religion? I mean no disrespect, I see you post a lot and am just curious as to where you are coming from.

    Edit: I've just accidentally liked my own post. Please forgive me!

  • I haven’t watched the video but I don’t think it’s suspect at all what he has done. He just shared a video about the matrix and asked for feedback? 

  • It's just reminded me about the Matrix movies and how long it's been since I saw them....I will probably watch the first tonight as it's sort of fresh in my memory now.

  • Why? What do you make of it? Just dumping a video like that here, offering no opinion, and expecting feedback is suspect behaviour, frankly.