Material Science -v- Social Science.....and PRESSURE!

There are scientists and free-thinkers and "interested" people here (I hope) who like to explore "things."

Pressure, and its effect on the physical properties of matter......interest me.

Electrostatic repulsion, Ice VII, Ice XVIII and fusion....interest me.


Do you think that "social science" has the same type of phenomena potential?

If so, do you think those phenomena are "birthing" now, in "social science"....because of "pressure"?

.....And if so;

do you think that the "pressure" is being induced by modern communication technologies that have been foisted upon humans in recent years?

  • i think all social things had pressure..... and i think what the politically correct that pushes social science things fail to realise is that its just amounting to dictatorship in the end anyway and it isnt as morally righteous or as good as they think.

    alot of people either blindly follow things and believe things and join mobs against others based out  of wanting to gel with society and think the loud mobs must be right and if they dont join them they will be destroyed or attacked by them. alot also perhaps believe they truly are righteous... but the path to hell is paved with good intent... hitler and his followers thought they was doing good and was righteous... its all the same, you get blinded by your self belief that you are good and everyone else is evil then next minute your rounding up anyone that says otherwise and putting them in camps. 

    this i believe is happening to the left wing.... they think the right is so evil and are so quick to brand anyone as right wing and meaning that right wing is evil that the self proclaimed left have become the ones who will be rounding others up in death camps for not thinking the same way as them. this will offend people as some people reading this will consider themselves left wing and consider the right evil and that they can do no wrong at all and everyone else is the problem....  but you are supposed to be offended so that your eyes become open.... do not become the monster that you once claimed to fight against...

  • Thanks #. PM me about it, not here.

  • Forgive me.  No time now......but full(ish) explanation to come later over the weekend.  Buried today!

  •      Of course, I know that. I was trying to go with the "lettuce" post. What was that anyway?

        'Twas not I who posted "lettuce" after a tree reference, just tried to logic branch in that direction in response and be conversational.

         Dear #, I am not a dummy, in fact, its a PTSD trigger word for me,and too easy for randos to sense as a perceived weakness to exploit and pile on. Perhaps in a PM, that's kind of ok, but not in a thread where rando peeps can see. thanks for understanding dearest #sib). 

         I'm just AS, is all. I reach for logic branches if someone says something I don't understand or that causes cognitive dissidence.

         So is "lettuce" a joke, somehow? I would still like to know.

         The "See the Seed in the Tree" is from the teachings of the Buddha Siddhartha and from Rumi some 1400 years later. It is about mindfulness in action; seeing the consequences of any action as they is arise in the brain, and before it is carried out. It is the core premise to critical thinking.

  • can you explain the whole thing to me? Now I am the bit bull and can't let go till I understand, sorry?

  • I should have said "the seed contains the tree" (holding up a nut).

  • I am also an island person. (as 'twere a joke), 'twas. Weird, am I.

  • Lettuce seeds DON'T grow trees, they grow lettuces plants.

    [Disambiguation....To be provided elsewhere]

  • so "lettuce"?

    PS; Island people are so weird.

  • English sense of humour.  Hard to explain.  Don't forget, the English count Benny Hill and Shakespeare and 'Carry On' films amongst their most influential cultural exports.  We're a weird gang of folk, in many ways.

  • or they are "killer seeds", gene mods that produce crops that, in their turn, bear no seeds, or sterile seeds.

  • You have to let them bolt.

  • Well, that is a relief.

  • I'm an average girl, like most people my age all my socialising is online, been addicted to the PC since I was like 12 or something, so it's pretty much a lifelong ingrained habit / addiction at this point. It's only gotten harder to stop as technology has improved. Now use my phone, emojis for contacting and talking. It's just compulsive at this point. Especially since phones and tablets took over from computer.

    I spend 8-10 hours of my day on my phone according to my screen time data. Most of my time is spent on the Google Chrome, social media. I also spend a lot of time on YT watching videos.

    I have a loving family but rarely talk to people. Not from arrogance. I don't know what to say, can't start a conversation, can't carry a conversation. I've been mostly mute since I left school. 

    I stay inside most of the time. The outside world scares me to death.

    My phone is my gateway in to the online world where I may not fit in but I at least exist and an acknowledged by others.