Material Science -v- Social Science.....and PRESSURE!

There are scientists and free-thinkers and "interested" people here (I hope) who like to explore "things."

Pressure, and its effect on the physical properties of matter......interest me.

Electrostatic repulsion, Ice VII, Ice XVIII and fusion....interest me.


Do you think that "social science" has the same type of phenomena potential?

If so, do you think those phenomena are "birthing" now, in "social science"....because of "pressure"?

.....And if so;

do you think that the "pressure" is being induced by modern communication technologies that have been foisted upon humans in recent years?

  • I was once described as "red pilled and sabotage based".

    For a little over forty years I've been enamoured by the idea of a single workman dropping a spanner into a huge machine being able to totally KILL IT.

    I watched 38 minutes of a two hour film with a friend today which although it focusses on children, completely exposes the mechanism of societal pressure, and is so thought and conversation provoking, that it took us over two hours to do that 38 minutes.. 

    You are right in that similar "pressure / volume" calculations to physical calculations are done in advertisiing agencies and government psych warfare places as a matte rof course, in order to get their jobs done.

    I deliberately do not use a smartfones data features, (which rules me out of whatsapp, for a start!) and transact as much business, contact with .gov departments etc, by email.

    I don't sleep with my phone in the bedroom except if I need to by special arrangement" and I don't always have my phone within earshot for hours on end... AND I definitely do not collect my voicemail. IT TELLS YOU THAT!

    I edit out all advertising from the TV that I do watch by means of never watching live T.V. Except F1. I use adbockers and cookie blockers etc on my internet. 

    I don't have any loyalty cards. I have paid back all my interest bearing loans as fast as humanly possible, the faster you pay them (although they will try and dissuade you) the less you pay overall due to compund interest). They'll only lend you money for stuff you don't actualy NEED anyway, (Try getting a bank loan when you are "in need")

    Until you all stop seeing the banking system as somehow "beneficial" and more like it's true self (an infestation of ticks) you'll never understand the machinery of modern life.

    As a conspiracy theorist/hobbyist I'm delighted to see how badly thought out our "leaders" diabolical plans actually are, how little they take into account the basic human spirit, or more imporantantly how resilient and well thought out and implemented "creation" actually is, and I enjoy how their schemes only ever seem to bring about a "partial success" and occasionally a hialrious blowback adn derailment of what looked like a fait accompli.

    "Evil contains the seeds of it's own destruction" is not just a saying , it's an observed RULE.

  • All seeds contain the tree.

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