My abusive refrigerator mum

I had an abusive mother. I would describe her as cold, emotionless, hateful, sick and twisted. She would lock me in rooms and tell me to shut up when I was crying. I wish I had a better mum than the one I unfortunately had to be given. I blame her 100% for causing my autism. I will most certainly never forgive her for everything she has done to me. All the opportunities and adventures I missed out on all because of her. Her mother was similar to my mum. She was also cold and emotionless and terrible with children. I never cried when she died over 10 years ago and still haven’t cried since. She is not someone I will ever miss because she means absolutely nothing to me. My mum is unforgivable I used to cry and wish she would just have showed me some love. But now I feel nothing and wish I never had her as my mum because she never did anything for me. In fact all she did was try and ruin my life. Never forgive never forget. 

  • I blame her 100% for causing my autism.

    This tells me two things.... 1) you are not thinking soundly at the moment.......2) and you are younger than I.

    I'm not defending your mum (she could be Myra Hindley, for all I know) .....and I'm not defending "parents" en mass either (many are damaging hateful entities - I am told) ..... but I am simply defending what AUTISM is.

    I am sorry you are so angry.  I do know and understand that feeling.  I think that, due to my age, I now have a better handle upon it.

    I wish you a peaceful night.  I wish you some calm reflection.......and I hope my words don't cause you greater anxiety at this time.

    With my most sincere best wishes to you Yellow tree,


  • I blame her 100% for causing my autism.

    This tells me two things.... 1) you are not thinking soundly at the moment.......2) and you are younger than I.

    I'm not defending your mum (she could be Myra Hindley, for all I know) .....and I'm not defending "parents" en mass either (many are damaging hateful entities - I am told) ..... but I am simply defending what AUTISM is.

    I am sorry you are so angry.  I do know and understand that feeling.  I think that, due to my age, I now have a better handle upon it.

    I wish you a peaceful night.  I wish you some calm reflection.......and I hope my words don't cause you greater anxiety at this time.

    With my most sincere best wishes to you Yellow tree,


  • Thanks for the advice. Yeh I think you’re right about one thing. Maybe my mum didn’t cause my autism all though she caused me many other problems probably worse than autism like anxiety etc. But saying that, I still don’t think autism is genetic though as no one has definitively proven that to be the case. Plus saying autism is genetic in my mind sort of gives her an excuse for why she abuses children.