exchanging mental pain with physical pain

hi guys,

since I was a tot if I was mentally struggling I would instead of discussing that, I would say Ive hurt myself such as a foot. this would happen even without my acknowledgment as well. This has continued into my adulthood and now not sure where I have physical pain and mental pain going on there is no clear understanding whether the physical pain is real to where it is or whether it is real but through me swapping it through my mental wellbeing. If that makes any sense what's so ever! im wandering if anyone else has this issue and if anyone knows how to deal with it maybe?

  • since I was a tot if I was mentally struggling I would instead of discussing that, I would say Ive hurt myself such as a foot

    I dont do this exactly but I do something similar. When I am strugglung mentally, then I like to imagine that I got hurt (like fell off a cliff or stabbed or something) and then I imagine someone finding me and helping me. For me I think its easier to get help when your hurting physically than mentally. People can see when youve hurt your foot and they can understand that and they can help, but when you say your hurting emotionally then they dont understand and its hard to explain and they really cant do anything to help that much. So I think its easier to try to change that mental pain into physical pain because youre so desperate to have people know youre hurting. Thats what I think anyway.

    But also I have a hard time even understanding or explaining how im feeling alot (especially as it can be so complex) but its quite simple to say "my foot hurts"

  • all pain is in your head really...

    i remember as a kid i used to cry at pain, then you grow up and you realise theres no need to cry and it doesnt feel that bad.... then if it does feel bad its not really that bad.

    i dropped a pallet collar on my face last year at some force and it made a permanent scar near my eye. thats a pretty big impact and hit it did, would be painful, and in a nerve area too with arteries. but yet it wasnt very painful.... i was going to continue working at first, then it did feel pain but pain is felt differently now in my adult older mature form that it registered but wasnt a thing, wadnt a issue, i still stopped working due to the severity that it felt but it was more like data telling me it was bad rather than actual physical pain id feel as a child. and the blood flow then prompted me to stagger to the office.... but physical pain as your grow older you dont feel it for some reason. like your body doesnt care about pain anymore, its too busy thinking on other things. almost as if pain doesnt exist as you go older. but instead as you go older i do feel you feel emotional pain more and you get more depressed and sad. 

    so it seems its a tradeoff and change from childhood where you feel alot of physical pain but yet not so much emotionally... then you grow old and physical pain no longer is felt but is a basic logical message of awareness of damage while your emotions are more heightened and youd feel more emotion than you had done as a child. seems to be for me anyway. suppose for others it could be opposite or switched.

    i suppose mental damage persists and grows over time, where as physical pain would reduce as your body grows stronger... i guess physical pain then increases again in older years when you grow old and frail. but mental pain will forever increase as life and time is depressing and full of loss of everything. maybe the increase in mental pain then makes you feel less physical pain as pain is kinda in your head, so if you have alot of mental pain then any physical pain is distratced.... like how when your having a injection or blood taken they make you look away and then try distract you by talking and then jab you when distracted so you dont feel it, perhaps the constant mental pain that we develope and hold onto as we age in life distracts us from physical pain so that we feel less physical pain because we are more and more distracted by our own mental pain and head distractions? maybe thats why physical pain subsides with age.