Manageable jobs for autistic people

I am currently working as an administrator (full time, in person) and am constantly exhausted and overwhelmed. It seems like a job that should be manageable but I am struggling so much and currently on sick leave because of becoming burnt out. I think I need to find a different job because this isn't sustainable for me, but I have no idea what to look for. Does anyone know any jobs that are well suited to autistic adults? 

  • I have a senior role in IT architecture and I have been struggling with chronic burnout for three years now, but I have managed that career for more than 20 years.  It's not that I'm recommending you switch to IT, but I think I have been able to manage it because I am very interested in technology and enjoy many aspects of the job.

    I think that's the key. All jobs will present us with challenges - just getting up in the morning is often a struggle for me! - but if you can find something that aligns with your special interests it becomes much more sustainable, as elements of the job may actively recharge you instead of draining you.

  • What kind of IT job do you have>

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