Where Do You Want Autism Funding To Go?

Here's a video I made about The Autism Investor Summit 


  • The only way to make a difference would be to fund pre-natal screening and selective abortions. Genetic therapy would be ideal, but it's still unfeasible. 

  • I can never agree with genetic therapy, pre-natal screening and I’m especially opposed to selective abortions as a traditional Catholic 

  • why the oposition to gene therapy? Most gene therapy is given to adults to help them (not to effect their future children)

  • I mean technically that's viral RNA since the adenovirus is an RNA virus. There is no mRNA in the virus. the viral RNA is transcibed into mRNA by the cell and then translated into the spike protien. The vaccine hijacks the the cells macineary to make the mRNA and then to make the antigen (in this case the covid spike protien). This is what all traditional live vacines do, since cowpox back in the day. The difrence here is the took an adenovirus (which cases about 2% of common colds) and broke it so it couldn't replicate then put a gene in it that copies a single component of the covid virus. This makes it safer in theory than live vaccines and faster to make in practive.

    Basicly it is a virus that has been geneticly engenered but that's not why it makes mRNA and causes your cells to express antigens. All live viruses do that. Lots of traditional vaceans still in use do that. Sinovac is what we call an inactivated vaccine. Its a dead virus that has been killed with chemicals that attack its RNA. It's actually newer than the live vaccine approch although not by much. Sinovac doesn't create covid spike proteins it has them already built in to its shell. That's why its not quite as effective. Inactivated viruses often produce weeker immune responces and need to be mixed with a iritant to work. There is actually a lot of Aluminium hydroxide in Sinovac desinged to agrivate your immune system and get it to react to what would otherwise be harmless dead virus.

    ... so basicly yes lots of vaccines, including the flu vaccine we've been giving out for decades, make mRNA in your cells. If you consider that gene therapy then we've been doing gene therapy with vaccines for over 100 years.

  • Astra Zeneca still had an MRNA payload, just the delivery method was different.

    IIRC they used an adenovirus as a vehicle for the spike protein, the same as sputnik 5.

    The only trad COVID vaccine I was able to find was Sinovac which the chinese gave their people.

    And if you tell people they cannot work and feed their family unless they have the "jab", well it might not technically be "forcing" people to take it, it's splitting hairs for a lot of people.

  • MRNA vaccines are genetherapy in the same sense that putting a marquee in your garden is a home extension. And of course mRNA vaccines were very much in the minority; we had far more of the ordinary (AstraZeneca) vaccines.

    but it seems to me vaccines are a separate issue because no one would ever force medicine upon you for your own sake if you didn’t want it. there are some crazy people who would advocate forcing medicine upon people for other peoples sake. I personally am firmly against this and most of the Scientific and medical professionals I know are family against this.

    I think there’s a very strong scientific evidence for taking the vaccine at least back in the pandemic. but pretty much every expert agreed but not only was it unethical to try and force people to take it it would actually be counter-productive because so many people wanted it that we didn’t have enough to go around and we would reach heard immunity long before we ran out of people who wanted the vaccine.

  • ...Until the next time, of course...

  • I don’t think anyone is suggesting forcing genetherapy upon people against their will,

    MRNA shots are the very definition of "gene therapy", and we did come very, very, close indeed to forcing them on people against their will a couple of years back. 

    Don't get me wrong, I accepted that my personal choice required me to effectively "stay in and get fed through the letterbox"

    That was entirely appropriate for me, (although being a bad boy, I did allow myslef a bit of driving and travel far away from the plague ridden masses. (as I saw you all!)

    Until the nation called upon my services and the Cabinet Office gave me a letter saying I could drive my car to and from the secure facility (in practice anywhere I liked!) where I was to play my part, whilst the rest of you could not.

    They needed me so badly that my vaccination status magically became no problem at all, I just did my work with my partner alone at night... And tested myself regularly to make sure he hadn't infected me.

    Although since I had obtained as much knowledge of the virus and possible routes to prophylaxis whilst the rest of you were scrabbling for bog paper, I felt I was safer than most (O.K. I was caught out too, I was scrabbling as hard for UV-c lights as anyone was for bog paper at one point) I needed a portable UV-C solution, as well in case it was as bad as rumoured, and being the only bloke on the street with the gear and the ideas how to deliver items safely during a pandemic, I thought I might have to step up when the delivery drivers started falling over, but it didn't happen... (thank god!) The earliest WHO numbers out of China (I have them here) suggested a 45% mortality rate for Covid over a 14 day time period!!

    No wonder we all panicked!

    Then we were offered Gene Therapy rebranded as a "vaccine" and very, very, few of us said "no". 

    They were just starting to threaten and cajole people like me, (you'll have missed most of it if you went along with the programme, but it was there, trust me! I had some of "those" discussions with people...) when omnichron came along which was so virulent and minor in it's effects it quickly became the dominant strain, and the perceived danger people like me posed, vanished almost overnight...

  • I don’t think anyone is suggesting forcing genetherapy upon people against their will,

    MRNA shots are the very definition of "gene therapy", and we did come very, very, close indeed to forcing them on people against their will a couple of years back. 

    Don't get me wrong, I accepted that my personal choice required me to effectively "stay in and get fed through the letterbox"

    That was entirely appropriate for me, (although being a bad boy, I did allow myslef a bit of driving and travel far away from the plague ridden masses. (as I saw you all!)

    Until the nation called upon my services and the Cabinet Office gave me a letter saying I could drive my car to and from the secure facility (in practice anywhere I liked!) where I was to play my part, whilst the rest of you could not.

    They needed me so badly that my vaccination status magically became no problem at all, I just did my work with my partner alone at night... And tested myself regularly to make sure he hadn't infected me.

    Although since I had obtained as much knowledge of the virus and possible routes to prophylaxis whilst the rest of you were scrabbling for bog paper, I felt I was safer than most (O.K. I was caught out too, I was scrabbling as hard for UV-c lights as anyone was for bog paper at one point) I needed a portable UV-C solution, as well in case it was as bad as rumoured, and being the only bloke on the street with the gear and the ideas how to deliver items safely during a pandemic, I thought I might have to step up when the delivery drivers started falling over, but it didn't happen... (thank god!) The earliest WHO numbers out of China (I have them here) suggested a 45% mortality rate for Covid over a 14 day time period!!

    No wonder we all panicked!

    Then we were offered Gene Therapy rebranded as a "vaccine" and very, very, few of us said "no". 

    They were just starting to threaten and cajole people like me, (you'll have missed most of it if you went along with the programme, but it was there, trust me! I had some of "those" discussions with people...) when omnichron came along which was so virulent and minor in it's effects it quickly became the dominant strain, and the perceived danger people like me posed, vanished almost overnight...

  • I mean technically that's viral RNA since the adenovirus is an RNA virus. There is no mRNA in the virus. the viral RNA is transcibed into mRNA by the cell and then translated into the spike protien. The vaccine hijacks the the cells macineary to make the mRNA and then to make the antigen (in this case the covid spike protien). This is what all traditional live vacines do, since cowpox back in the day. The difrence here is the took an adenovirus (which cases about 2% of common colds) and broke it so it couldn't replicate then put a gene in it that copies a single component of the covid virus. This makes it safer in theory than live vaccines and faster to make in practive.

    Basicly it is a virus that has been geneticly engenered but that's not why it makes mRNA and causes your cells to express antigens. All live viruses do that. Lots of traditional vaceans still in use do that. Sinovac is what we call an inactivated vaccine. Its a dead virus that has been killed with chemicals that attack its RNA. It's actually newer than the live vaccine approch although not by much. Sinovac doesn't create covid spike proteins it has them already built in to its shell. That's why its not quite as effective. Inactivated viruses often produce weeker immune responces and need to be mixed with a iritant to work. There is actually a lot of Aluminium hydroxide in Sinovac desinged to agrivate your immune system and get it to react to what would otherwise be harmless dead virus.

    ... so basicly yes lots of vaccines, including the flu vaccine we've been giving out for decades, make mRNA in your cells. If you consider that gene therapy then we've been doing gene therapy with vaccines for over 100 years.

  • Astra Zeneca still had an MRNA payload, just the delivery method was different.

    IIRC they used an adenovirus as a vehicle for the spike protein, the same as sputnik 5.

    The only trad COVID vaccine I was able to find was Sinovac which the chinese gave their people.

    And if you tell people they cannot work and feed their family unless they have the "jab", well it might not technically be "forcing" people to take it, it's splitting hairs for a lot of people.

  • MRNA vaccines are genetherapy in the same sense that putting a marquee in your garden is a home extension. And of course mRNA vaccines were very much in the minority; we had far more of the ordinary (AstraZeneca) vaccines.

    but it seems to me vaccines are a separate issue because no one would ever force medicine upon you for your own sake if you didn’t want it. there are some crazy people who would advocate forcing medicine upon people for other peoples sake. I personally am firmly against this and most of the Scientific and medical professionals I know are family against this.

    I think there’s a very strong scientific evidence for taking the vaccine at least back in the pandemic. but pretty much every expert agreed but not only was it unethical to try and force people to take it it would actually be counter-productive because so many people wanted it that we didn’t have enough to go around and we would reach heard immunity long before we ran out of people who wanted the vaccine.

  • ...Until the next time, of course...