The Good Old Times - Bittersweet memories

The good old days, eh?

Older generations, say from mid 30's onwards, speak of how things were better in the good old days.

I believe that I have been blessed with a good life, with many great experiences. Oh course there were experiences that were not so great.

The thing is, when I look back on those experiences, the times, the places, the things I did - I should be grateful.
Yes, I am grateful, but I am also filled with what can be an overwhelming sadness.
Sadness that those days are long gone, the World has changed, I've gotten older (53), my health has declined.

Sure, you don't have to be autistic to have those mournful thoughts for what once was, but does being autistic make it that much harder?

  • For me the late 90's was great. We had the Internet but only for serious people with pc's, no social media . Driving was great, almost no speed camers, no silly other restrictions with cameras, used to drive comftably at 90 on the motorway.  The world was a stable place, politicians resigned when pushed, people admitted they were wrong. We weren't a massively divided country, mass immigration had not made its impact.  GP's, dentists etc were easy to get, no big waits at a&e. House prices were affordable,  £50k for a flat in the south east, 100% mortgage on £18k. It was a better place then, people much more united.


  • It's hard to argue with that list of past realities, as I understood and experienced them too.  If I could have remained in the 1990's, I think I "could have been a contender" ...... but the endless march of time and 'progress' has made me a sardonic and slightly depressive "stuff and nonsense" type.  It's odd how we morph into our "older human" way of thinking so seamlessly !

  • It's hard to argue with that list of past realities, as I understood and experienced them too.  If I could have remained in the 1990's, I think I "could have been a contender" ...... but the endless march of time and 'progress' has made me a sardonic and slightly depressive "stuff and nonsense" type.  It's odd how we morph into our "older human" way of thinking so seamlessly !

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