The Good Old Times - Bittersweet memories

The good old days, eh?

Older generations, say from mid 30's onwards, speak of how things were better in the good old days.

I believe that I have been blessed with a good life, with many great experiences. Oh course there were experiences that were not so great.

The thing is, when I look back on those experiences, the times, the places, the things I did - I should be grateful.
Yes, I am grateful, but I am also filled with what can be an overwhelming sadness.
Sadness that those days are long gone, the World has changed, I've gotten older (53), my health has declined.

Sure, you don't have to be autistic to have those mournful thoughts for what once was, but does being autistic make it that much harder?

  • The big difrence I see between now and then ... socially I mean, the tech difrences are too numerious to mention, but socially:

    1. Wokism is a thing. I don't mean political correctness. That was around in the 90s. But it was mostly only in profesional settings. In culture and social settings it wasn't a thing. Now the forces that be seem to be intent at banishing 'wrong think' from the media and even our social lifes (as seen in social media).
    2. People no longer seem to value privercy and freedom. They are so used to facebook etc telling them what they can and can't say and collecting their data it doesn't seem to bother them when the goverment does the same thing.
    3. The only rebbels left seem to be eco protestors and frankly its a huge disapointment. The 90s had ravers and anarchists. People conserned with human beings as well as trees.
    4. We're so safty consicious and burocratic that it's basicly imposable to get anything started up these days unless you're some big orgonisation. For instance just try renting a space with out personal liability insurance these days. It stops the little guy doing something creative and keeps things corperate.
    5. sociaty seems to have gone from celibrating female sexuality with girl power to vilifing male sexuality. #metoo went further than just shining a light on abuse it painted all men as rapists and male sexuality as inherintly destructive.
    6. People complain that children stay in doors all the time but freek out at the idea of letting them play in the street or catch a bus on their own. Teenagers seem to be becoming progresivly infantalised. They've gone from adults in training free to explore the world at the end of long apron strings to incapable of even using a website with out some kind of safeguarding.
  • Item 3::

    No one rebels openly now. It's not possible to organise like it used to be, we all think we know what's coming down the pike, and surviving it, depends entirely on the individual and no longer on "Charismatic leaders" who we've now learned to distrust as much as the other sort. 

    I personally like the idea of non-violent rebellion, which is what we do seem to have, a rebellion of ideas. I know of at least two peoeple who do stickers and leafletting, to try and wake people up to the more egregrious lies and omissions our leaders feed us via our fully captured media.

    If one cannot belive that to be true there is an excellent set of videos out there where someone has compiled literally tens possibly 100's of our media outlets all presenting exactly the same messages, word for word,in lockstep,  no dissent or diversity of reporting to be seen at all.   

    Currently there is a lot of talk about how to resist more effectvely in actual clashes between the peoples and the agents of authorty. There may well be a move afoot away from rioting with brcks and fireworks to the use of marbles and greases to make baton charges less effectvie and more comical, people who thought that the vaccination campaigns were hurting people (bizzare, eh?) started gluing op the locks to make it harder to get them open. And speed cameras of course, most haven't actually worked for years after people started setting them on fire etc. making them more expensive to keep going than the fines they were bringing in... 

    There is rebellion alright, but it's more organic and simmering. I notice that "voting" now longer works s it used to, people are not voting as they are told to like they used to be. We are actually getting harder to handle than we used to be, that's why the medfia at davos announced that they "have lost ownership of the facts" whatever you take from that... Brexit was the turning point, it was a protest vote seen around the world for what it was.

    A BIG FAIL on the part of the "hidden persuders" who used to have much better control over us.

    We in England once had the best of everything. As one prime minister put it "you never had it so good". It's been very instructive watching us lose everything that made us "great". 

    Item 4: Little businesses are a morass of compliance and accounting and ever changing legislation, all of which takes energy and vitality out of the busness. All businees advice is gered to is getting you loaded up with debt, aftyer all, how can you pay all those fees and stuff that decend on you without money?

    E.G. To insure my van and collect scrap, I need 2 grand up fornt for the insurance, a basic waste transfer licence and I'm competing against the Romanians who don't do any of that, and don't get stopped and checked as thouroughly or oten as we do... 

  • Item 4: Little businesses are a morass of compliance and accounting and ever changing legislation, all of which takes energy and vitality out of the busness. All businees advice is gered to is getting you loaded up with debt, aftyer all, how can you pay all those fees and stuff that decend on you without money?

    I'm not even talking about buisnesses. Even small local charaties and small art projects have these issues. You can't even have a jumbel sale with out incuring paperwork.

    There is rebellion alright, but it's more organic and simmering. I notice that "voting" now longer works s it used to, people are not voting as they are told to like they used to be. We are actually getting harder to handle than we used to be, that's why the medfia at davos announced that they "have lost ownership of the facts" whatever you take from that... Brexit was the turning point, it was a protest vote seen around the world for what it was

    Well yes and no. UKIP spent 25 ish years getting a brexit refurendum and never won a single seat in parlament. People are willing to protest vote but your only real power as a protest party is in making the other side loose. You need to be able to controle the media narative to some degree to do that, to keep a simple issue the main parties disagree with you on at the top of the agenda, which ukip did briliently well.

  • The Empire is intentionally recreating history, so they can maintain whatever upper hand they have.

    They sussed out that the way to destroy cohesive societies is to reexpose old ethnic fault lines. It's because they know that White people are descendants of Peasants. So, to achieve 'The Revolution' they had to make a Cadre amass wealth.

    The Revolution = The lawlessness which allows The Man of Sin to enter the fray.

  • i don't think I ever seen a new age traveler. Just the old fasioned irish / romani kind. As far as I can tell even in the 90s they barely existed. I disagree with a lot of that.

    I do however think globalisation is a creaping force that wants to homogonise sociaty to make it easyer to make a profit off and that it is working hard to controle goverments through lobbying and donations.

  • i don't think I ever seen a new age traveler. Just the old fasioned irish / romani kind. As far as I can tell even in the 90s they barely existed. I disagree with a lot of that.

    I do however think globalisation is a creaping force that wants to homogonise sociaty to make it easyer to make a profit off and that it is working hard to controle goverments through lobbying and donations.

  • The Empire is intentionally recreating history, so they can maintain whatever upper hand they have.

    They sussed out that the way to destroy cohesive societies is to reexpose old ethnic fault lines. It's because they know that White people are descendants of Peasants. So, to achieve 'The Revolution' they had to make a Cadre amass wealth.

    The Revolution = The lawlessness which allows The Man of Sin to enter the fray.