The Good Old Times - Bittersweet memories

The good old days, eh?

Older generations, say from mid 30's onwards, speak of how things were better in the good old days.

I believe that I have been blessed with a good life, with many great experiences. Oh course there were experiences that were not so great.

The thing is, when I look back on those experiences, the times, the places, the things I did - I should be grateful.
Yes, I am grateful, but I am also filled with what can be an overwhelming sadness.
Sadness that those days are long gone, the World has changed, I've gotten older (53), my health has declined.

Sure, you don't have to be autistic to have those mournful thoughts for what once was, but does being autistic make it that much harder?

  • It’s often nostalgia but sometimes it’s true. Depends on the time and location. Things were better in some places than they are now for sure, but for many, things have got a whole lot better. My Great Grandmother told me when I was about 11 I think how WW2 devastated not just the country but the entire world and how bad things were when she was a child. She said the worst was how the toilet was in a shed at the back of the garden lol and that schools were able to physically discipline you. 

    She's the only person who never told me how good the old days were. She liked the here and now.

    A lot of the problem now is social media. It gives everyone a voice. They can say what they like and online there's little consequence. It's not policed as well as it should be. And of course bad news such as wars and the like are reported continuously 24 hours a day, no escaping it if you spend all your time on social media. Throughout school I was on social media but in my last year I gave it up because it was thoroughly depressing me and I just thought "Why am I even on this?". I don't miss it. It had a bad atmosphere and I don't need that in my life.

    My Great Grandmother and always impressed by how good houses are, how advanced healthcare was and how it was easier to get about with cars and how easy it was to buy things with online shopping and digital banking. The world has its problems, it always has and it sadly always will but the here and now for me is what counts. I try to ignore news and focus on my life and not look back. I'm looking forward.

  • It’s often nostalgia but sometimes it’s true. Depends on the time and location. Things were better in some places than they are now for sure, but for many, things have got a whole lot better. My Great Grandmother told me when I was about 11 I think how WW2 devastated not just the country but the entire world and how bad things were when she was a child. She said the worst was how the toilet was in a shed at the back of the garden lol and that schools were able to physically discipline you. 

    She's the only person who never told me how good the old days were. She liked the here and now.

    A lot of the problem now is social media. It gives everyone a voice. They can say what they like and online there's little consequence. It's not policed as well as it should be. And of course bad news such as wars and the like are reported continuously 24 hours a day, no escaping it if you spend all your time on social media. Throughout school I was on social media but in my last year I gave it up because it was thoroughly depressing me and I just thought "Why am I even on this?". I don't miss it. It had a bad atmosphere and I don't need that in my life.

    My Great Grandmother and always impressed by how good houses are, how advanced healthcare was and how it was easier to get about with cars and how easy it was to buy things with online shopping and digital banking. The world has its problems, it always has and it sadly always will but the here and now for me is what counts. I try to ignore news and focus on my life and not look back. I'm looking forward.

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