Getting out of my comfort zone

Hi guys :-)

I just wanted to share a big win for me today, something I am quite proud of.

I booked onto a D&D intro night in a few weeks time so I can get out of my comfort zone and meet new people!

I've been feeling really alone because I don't really have any friends, but also feeling stuck because social situations are really nervewracking and stressful. 

Feeling really proud that I just thought "screw it, I'm going to do it!"

My brother and dad are going too just as a bit of support if I find it hard, but we all made and agreement to sit apart. :-) 

Have you guys had any wins this week? 

  • Congratulations. I recently moved to a country where I have to resort to speaking Spanish, in which I am way less practiced, and I am just now realizing that I have no idea how to connect with people. I'd rather be doing it in English, and having to switch languages is just another pebble in the proverbial shoe.

  • Thanks! :-)

    Wow, that's quite an achievement to move country. I guess learning the language and speaking with people in conversation is a skill you will slowly get the hang of. 

    Best of luck! 

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  • I know the language pretty well, actually. Moving to another country is part of what tipped off that I am autistic. I absolutely cannot connect with people in person, and it doesn't matter the time, place, or culture. It's always the same thing. We can converse on occasion, but we never become actual friends, and it's very frustrating. Having to rely on your weaker language at the same time as realizing you're at a tremendous inherent social disadvantage is... just not helping. It would be nice to have no more than one variable at a time, but that's not how life tends to work.