Autism Exploited

In an ongoing matter involving Social Services, a social worker, an independent social worker, a hospital official, a representative of CAFCASS, and even her own legal representation, my autistic niece has been disallowed any kind of support during all encounters with all parties. Her diagnosis is a matter of record, and  known to all, and yet it has been universally and systematically disregarded.

Each of the aforementioned parties makes it's own interpretation as it sees fit, and in many cases, her words have been chosen for her..

Does anyone have any comment or advice..?

  • Are you able to find an advocate for your niece?

    my autistic niece has been disallowed any kind of support during all encounters with all parties.

    What kind of support are you looking for?

    Do you have a set of criteria for this support that your niece meets but the support is still being denied or is she not meeting the criteria?

    Her diagnosis is a matter of record, and  known to all, and yet it has been universally and systematically disregarded.

    A simple diagnosis isn't enough to get some kinds of support eg. PIP.

    The criteria have to be met.

    More detail would be useful.

  • Whenever I hear things like “the criteria have to be met” it makes my blood boil as much as “not meeting the criteria” or “what kind of support is she looking for” - where is the humanity in any of this? The “criteria” and the system needs to be changed - it’s the same kind of utterly absurd mindset as the concept of “everyone else” which is the same justification that bullies use to justify and excuse their bullying behaviour - what about just giving her the benefit of the doubt and err on the side of basic humanity and not by rote, stick like glue to “policies and procedures, rules and regulations” abandoning all humanity, compassion and common sense in favour of an arbitrary “process” 

  • policy, rules and regulations are the only things that make that kind of work possible. Nobody would "err on the side of caution", there is too much risk of getting a lawsuit. Following the rules and ticking all the boxes is the only thing that would protect a worker from a frivolous or malicious lawsuit, even when the rules make no sense. There are a lot of evil an manipulative people out there.

  • policy, rules and regulations are the only things that make that kind of work possible. Nobody would "err on the side of caution", there is too much risk of getting a lawsuit. Following the rules and ticking all the boxes is the only thing that would protect a worker from a frivolous or malicious lawsuit, even when the rules make no sense. There are a lot of evil an manipulative people out there.

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