Autism Exploited

In an ongoing matter involving Social Services, a social worker, an independent social worker, a hospital official, a representative of CAFCASS, and even her own legal representation, my autistic niece has been disallowed any kind of support during all encounters with all parties. Her diagnosis is a matter of record, and  known to all, and yet it has been universally and systematically disregarded.

Each of the aforementioned parties makes it's own interpretation as it sees fit, and in many cases, her words have been chosen for her..

Does anyone have any comment or advice..?

  • used young women and children as laundry slaves

    That was done in God's name, so it is morally sound. What do you think, ?

  • Aye Debbie, these and many other atrocities like them, all carried out beneath the banner of faith. Please keep in mind though, that those are the sins of the few. They're certainly not mine, and I very much doubt they're IrishInManc's either.

  • The same Roman Catholic that shagged children in their orphanages?

    Yep and used young women and children as laundry slaves. 

  • Catholic “faith and morals” 

    The same Roman Catholic that shagged children in their orphanages?

  • It's a hell of a thing for anyone to face up to their own flaws, and believe me, as a more than 20 years dry alcoholic, I really do know what I'm talking about here...

    My point is, your candour does not go unnoticed, and you have my sincere appreciation and admiration.

    We can't change until we see what must change...

    You'd think it would fade, but 20 years and I still get thirsty... I never fall for it though.

  • Speaking as a born and raised Catholic, I must defend our friend IrishInManc. I think there's a subtelty to his comments, not immediately apparent to the non-Catholic. It's something I'm guilty of myself, but it's the inevitable outcome of the many contradictions inherent to a Catholic upbringing.

    Contradiction is bred into us, for instance, I always identify as a 'born Catholic', but never omit to mention that like any 'good Catholic boy' I am a committed, but not militant, atheist. 'Good Catholic girls' however are something I can't comment on, as I'm not entirely convinced any such creeature actually exists... :-D Just for you that IrishInManc ;)

    Sorry BakedPotato, I'm not trying to turn this into CatholicismFest2024, it's just we're a bit of an odd lot, but cut us some slack, we've got all sorts of resurrections and virgin birth to deal with over here, and then there's the whole Mafia, Vatican, kiddyfiddler cover up... Ah shite, it's as well our top man is a Jewish fella eh, otherwise we'd have no credibility whatsoever..!

    See what I mean, contradiction, it's our daily bread.

  • The "good old days", I presume? When there was mass racism, sexism, and homophobia from ultra-conservative rule? But between bouts of bigotry, at least people had "faith and morals"!

    The UK's situation follows over 13 years of institutional and governmental failings on every single level. Social workers are following government edict. And we all know what the Conservatives think about the layperson - the disabled have been treated as subhuman by this government.

    You're talking about "outdated mindset", yet on other threads touting traditionalism as the way forward. It's a contradiction in terms.

    Also, you don't need a deity to have a strong moral compass. I'm an atheist - morality should come naturally, not under the threat of eternal damnation. 

  • It’s just something that I feel that comes from my Rural Irish traditional Catholic faith - my grandparents generation would always remind us of our Catholic “faith and morals” whenever these topics would come up and it was the same in our local village, where some of the older people had been educated by the Nuns in the convent schools, such as the Loreto Sisters or the Mercy Nuns 

  • Hahaha, friend I hear you..!

    Indeed, where is the humanity in this disastarous world..?

    To be fair, I think Debbie means well. but doesn't yet realise what a jarring trigger talk of policy and criteria will be to many people here.

  • Perhaps so, but instinctively, a properly informed conscience and a correct moral compass knows that this is morally wrong at every level - morals do matter in this situation, in fact morals are the only thing that matters in this situation and it’s no wonder when I was growing up, my grandparents, themselves devout traditional Irish Catholics, in all sorts of situations, would constantly remind us of our Catholic “faith and morals” 

  • You overthink that, too. Bullies love to accuse others of being aggressive and abusive, especially when it is not true. Many times I got out of a well deserved retribution by accusing my victims to be aggressive and violent, while I was the one that attacked them on the first place. I do not know why, but some people are so terrified by that accuse that they just freeze and take any abuse. 

  • policy, rules and regulations are the only things that make that kind of work possible. Nobody would "err on the side of caution", there is too much risk of getting a lawsuit. Following the rules and ticking all the boxes is the only thing that would protect a worker from a frivolous or malicious lawsuit, even when the rules make no sense. There are a lot of evil an manipulative people out there.

  • Ah yes, the social worker calls me "aggressive and abusive", something she wouldn't dare to do if she thought it was true, She is of course projecting a description of herself, though I doubt she has the acuity to realise that.

  • Whenever I hear things like “the criteria have to be met” it makes my blood boil as much as “not meeting the criteria” or “what kind of support is she looking for” - where is the humanity in any of this? The “criteria” and the system needs to be changed - it’s the same kind of utterly absurd mindset as the concept of “everyone else” which is the same justification that bullies use to justify and excuse their bullying behaviour - what about just giving her the benefit of the doubt and err on the side of basic humanity and not by rote, stick like glue to “policies and procedures, rules and regulations” abandoning all humanity, compassion and common sense in favour of an arbitrary “process” 

  • "Outdated mindset"...

    Ya got it dead right there my friend. I don't know about other localities, but here it seems social workers learn the job, on the job, from others already in the job. As such, methods that were questionable 30 years ago, when they were abandoned, remain common practice to this very day

  • Agreed - it’s the same thing in bullying cases, especially in supermarkets - having survived school bullying myself, I endured a lot of supermarket bullying over 30 years and this got a lot worse after I moved to the U.K., where you are told that you do not have any right to make any comment on any issue where you are deemed to be negative and have mental health issues if you attempt to speak out - in my experience, bullies always win and always get away with it, they are always rewarded for their bullying behaviour and you are just supposed to take it and put up with it, to suffer in silence, that everyone else is always right and you are the only one that is wrong by default and by definition - this bullying mindset has got a lot worse about 15 years before Covid and it’s probably got worse still in the post Covid era - I’m not sure if it’s even possible to get justice in the courts either, as the corruption in the legal system is off the scale 

  • You overthink that. Social workers just like to bully defenceless people. In general, ASD are docile, compliant and not aggressive, so they see them as prey. A social worker won't try those tactics with a violent criminal or a burly construction worker.

  • In my experience, social workers are little bullies preying on the harmless and kissing the boots of the dangerous. They won't try this with a violent criminal.

  • This is an absolutely disgusting abuse of Athority - it’s the same kind of outdated mindset that still regards autism as a behavioural and disciplinary condition and issue, coming from a point blank refusal to understand anything about autism, dismissing everything coming from us as nonsense, insisting that we not be allowed to live alone and/or have a live in carer to submit us to ultra strict milltary style discipline as the only way to “manage” our condition, rigidly and robustly “challenging” our “dysfunctional” behaviours as decided by them - you are going to have to get expert help with this one, challenging this in the courts and writing to people in positions of power and other famous people to get help 

  • Yes, the situation is indeed horrific, and largely orchestrated by a social worker who bullied and threatened my niece throughout her pregnancy, then when the baby was born, she colluded with the "safeguarding midwife" (not a midwife BTW) to make a false emergency application to the court for a care order. It took 4 court appearances under 3 different judges, all within 11 days of giving birth, for an 'interim care order' to be granted, Social Services arranged to occupy a place in a Special Care Baby Unit to effectively hold a perfectly healthy mother and baby under 'house arrest' while they pursued the order.

    Ultimately the baby was taken from her mother and placed with the paternal grandmother before my Niece even left the hospital. That was in June last year, and Social Services have mistreated and misrepresented her ever since in the interests of making the placement permanent, and effectively excluding her from her own daughter's life.

    Had I heard these things before experiencing them, I'd have been tempted to imagine there must be more to it for a social worker to go to such extremes. Well I can only tell you that my Niece is a 20 year old autistic woman who doesn't drink, smoke, or use drugs, has no criminal record, and no history violence or sexual misconduct of any kind.

    Furthermore she lives in my home, which is a perfectly safe place for a baby, and so has my support available should she need it,

    I spent near to thirty years caring for babies, toddlers, children, teenagers, adults, and the elderly and disabled, all without a single incident, complaint, or concern appearing on any record anywhere.

    I think the social worker just doesn't like autistic people, a bit of a Nazi to be honest.