Autism Exploited

In an ongoing matter involving Social Services, a social worker, an independent social worker, a hospital official, a representative of CAFCASS, and even her own legal representation, my autistic niece has been disallowed any kind of support during all encounters with all parties. Her diagnosis is a matter of record, and  known to all, and yet it has been universally and systematically disregarded.

Each of the aforementioned parties makes it's own interpretation as it sees fit, and in many cases, her words have been chosen for her..

Does anyone have any comment or advice..?

  • This sort of thing is horrific, and maybe it sometimes emerges from flaws in the processes. Sometimes people abuse the care systems to bring an unruly or embarrassing family member into compliance, and that is truly horrifying. I wonder if there are advocacy groups available so that someone being treated unfairly can request review or oversight.

  • Yes, the situation is indeed horrific, and largely orchestrated by a social worker who bullied and threatened my niece throughout her pregnancy, then when the baby was born, she colluded with the "safeguarding midwife" (not a midwife BTW) to make a false emergency application to the court for a care order. It took 4 court appearances under 3 different judges, all within 11 days of giving birth, for an 'interim care order' to be granted, Social Services arranged to occupy a place in a Special Care Baby Unit to effectively hold a perfectly healthy mother and baby under 'house arrest' while they pursued the order.

    Ultimately the baby was taken from her mother and placed with the paternal grandmother before my Niece even left the hospital. That was in June last year, and Social Services have mistreated and misrepresented her ever since in the interests of making the placement permanent, and effectively excluding her from her own daughter's life.

    Had I heard these things before experiencing them, I'd have been tempted to imagine there must be more to it for a social worker to go to such extremes. Well I can only tell you that my Niece is a 20 year old autistic woman who doesn't drink, smoke, or use drugs, has no criminal record, and no history violence or sexual misconduct of any kind.

    Furthermore she lives in my home, which is a perfectly safe place for a baby, and so has my support available should she need it,

    I spent near to thirty years caring for babies, toddlers, children, teenagers, adults, and the elderly and disabled, all without a single incident, complaint, or concern appearing on any record anywhere.

    I think the social worker just doesn't like autistic people, a bit of a Nazi to be honest.

  • In my experience, social workers are little bullies preying on the harmless and kissing the boots of the dangerous. They won't try this with a violent criminal.

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