what do neurotypical people want Bruh

I get asked questions typically yes or no questions and when I answer I find that my answer is not what they're looking for.

For example, someone asked me if I've eaten (hey have you eaten).  I'm like yeah, I ate a donut. they are always then displeased. Should I go around saying no? or they make a comment like a donut isn't a proper meal. 

what is the right answer here?

  • The subtext of, "Have you eaten?", is "Have you eaten a meal?" It would usually be asked at around or shortly after the usual time that a meal would be eaten. It isn't a general question about all possible food consumption.

    The right answer is either, "Yes, I've eaten", if you have eaten a meal at the last conventional time for a meal, or "No, I've not eaten yet", if you have not eaten a meal at the last conventional meal time.

  • The subtext of, "Have you eaten?", is "Have you eaten a meal?" It would usually be asked at around or shortly after the usual time that a meal would be eaten. It isn't a general question about all possible food consumption.

    The right answer is either, "Yes, I've eaten", if you have eaten a meal at the last conventional time for a meal, or "No, I've not eaten yet", if you have not eaten a meal at the last conventional meal time.

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