I forgive you


  • I suppose the hardest challenge with forgiveness is sustaining it. We like to think it's a state that can be reached, then maintained in an unending stable continuum. When in truth, it's not a linear process. Or at least it ultimately can be, in the way that a spiral is really a line. Foregiveness can come organically, trailing peace in its wake. Or it can be hard, ongoing graft. An act of defiance more than anything, leading slowly to inner grace. A single day can contain both these states. And other times, the whole thing is dormant, waiting to be revived unexpectedly after days, weeks, months, years, by a single trigger. 

    To say 'I forgive you' and mean it is a powerful thing. Just as powerful to hear those words from someone else of course'. In both cases, we can only hope in that moment for its enduring permanence.     

  • Very very true. Well said.

    To say 'I forgive you' and mean it is a powerful thing. Just as powerful to hear those words from someone else of course'. In both cases, we can only hope in that moment for its enduring permanence.     
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